best thing ive learned as a new grower...


New Member
Its about preparing ur plants for flowering...not trying to hurry up n flower ASAP so I can see what ill get...I had this mentality...kinda...I at least vegged the ones I have flowering now for 26days and they're.doing awesome n I'd say ill yeild an oz...oz n half maybe two if I'm lucky off each one I have flowering at the moment...View attachment 242078120121124_103230.jpg...I see now that I coulda got 3 maybe 4ozs off each if I would vegged a little longer w a little more training....I began a flowering phase for this one last night...20121125_104123.jpg...6weeks veg w several tops n fims and a little lst just to get it to branch out like a wanted it to then I cut her loose...I really think I'm looking to yeild round 3 to 4ozs off this plant...maybe more....20121124_101450.jpg20121119_095812.jpg...she's got one serious trunk...bout as big as pool stick ....I'd say this is a good indication of a good yeild to come....anyway if there's one thing I've learned in the last little bit I've been growing its be patient and actually devote time n effort into vegging as if it were as important as flowering...your building the foundation for ur flowers...a big building needs a strong foundation...same goes for buds...I'm a new grower n actually didn't know shit bout growing weed all I knew how to do was smoke the shit out of it...but I had a little green thumb from fuckin around w plants in the yard n growing some tomotoes n shit....hell I don't even own a Ph meter nor would I know how to use one if I did...I use miracle grow soil and nutes and cfls...ha...n I'm not bragging but my plants are the a new grower I just wanna give other new growers my 2cents n don't be overwhelmed w all the info on here n make ur grow complicated...keep it simple n use ur gut instincts n common sense n u can grow some good pot...


New Member
Plants are looking amazing.. can't wait to see how they bud
Thanks man...I'm actually way more excited bout this one I just started flowering last nite...I mean don't get me wrong the ones flowering now are fucking awesome...critical kush n crystaled out bigtime...gonna b a decent yeild too...but this big one is an unknown bagseed from some killer smoke...have no idea the I put a lot of time n effort into defoliating the upper fan leaves that were shading the lower bud sites....instead of "lollipopping" I cut off nothing that is "productive growth"...leaves only...I gauratee I've trimmed no less than 100 leaves off this plant...shoe boxes full of em...exposing lower growth n letting it grow is cram packed w bud shit when I start counting I give up around 80...bout 30 of em are legitimate tops...the rest are baby tops just under the canapy....its hard to say how much shell produce....if anyone has an experienced guess I'd love to hear it...


New Member
By the way I have "the Bible"...medical marijuana book...and he's against defoliating and so are many others...but I can promise u I've defoliated the shit outta this plant n its a picture of good health....I understand don't go crazy cutting all ur leaves off...but if a leaf is covering a productive branch or site its removed...if u have a bushy plant that can end up being alotta long as u don't get carried away the pay off is worth it.


Very nice ive done lollipop vs non lollipo and lollipo yielded better but if you dont lollipo just use the popcorns in hash or something if your new and want easy hash just do some iso hash


New Member
Yeah I'm sure there's alotta butter n hash in my near future..ha.....I'm gonna have about 6 finishing up within a month n a half of each other...all coming along nicely....I've been studyin up on it n Im leaning towards some strong cannabutter ...not sure yet tho...I'm entertaining the alcohol hash idea too.....prolly b a last minute decision....thanks everyone for the compliments