Best Thing To Do With Trim?


Active Member
My plant is almost done and i'm not sure how much trim ill have but i want to get the most out of my plant so what can i do with the trim. Also does trim include the leaves with no crystals or just the leaves closest to the buds? I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks.


Active Member
i was either going to make hash, oil or budder. But do i use the whole plant besides the buds or just the iced out trim?


Active Member
man i had all the good intentions of doing the same with my trim and i had a fair bit of it but the more i looked into it and how i wud extract the goods required it all seemed to much of a headache and the bags u can buy to filter the trim r expensive, and when u av a decent little bit of bud u probly wont bother,, but if there r any peeps who no how its done easily and not expensive then i am all ears !!!!


Active Member
Thanks Voporeyes for clearing that up. And for you f1 bud i totally agree, i'm probably just going to make budder with it. I have a kief box and it was relitively inexpensive but budder sounds better.


Well-Known Member
make butane based earwax. get a 3 ft. long tube about 2inch diameter and 2 caps. drill hole for butane on one end and bunch of small holes on other. pack tube with trim then blast with 3 cans of 5x butane drain into ELECTRIC crockpot if its open flame u will blow up and i will laugh at u.....anyway cook off butane on low heat stir/whip for desired consistency you get better everytime. once it stops bubbling you have earwax/oil depending on whipping it and quality of trim. only use sugar leaf and small popcorn nugs.


Active Member
id love to make oil cause ive yet to experience the high/smoke of it but its really way to extensive for me. i have nowhere to get a long glass tube and if i was to do it id buy the honeybee extractor. Unfortunetly most people on here have strayed me away from getting it because its plastic and it releases chemicals into the oil? Something like that.


Well-Known Member
plastic is fine i use it and make bomb earwax and budder. you have to burn off the butane its much easier and less hassle than bubble bags or butter.


Active Member
alright i'm going to go with your word on that i really really want to make oil. I'm scared of putting it over a hot stove or anything like that. I've seen people just put it in a pan of hot water and most of the butan evaporated. Would you reccomend this or is putting it over a hot stove the only way?


Well-Known Member
i use an electric crock pot out on my balcony i got it at goodwill for like 20 bucks has 2 pots and i use the low setting i set it and smoke a few blunts stir it up between blunts and its done in no time. if there is a flame you WILL BLOW UP. also ventilated area is a no brainer, but some people aren't so smart.


Well-Known Member
good luck man and be careful


my buddy did that and it was hilarious to watch but shitty for him to experience lol


Well-Known Member
My plant is almost done and i'm not sure how much trim ill have but i want to get the most out of my plant so what can i do with the trim. Also does trim include the leaves with no crystals or just the leaves closest to the buds? I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks.
*you can make lots of stuff, bubble.. bute.. butter.. juice.. etc etc


Well-Known Member
How would you go about making a juice? Sounds delicious.
alcohol extraction would be your best bet unless you can pull off a glycerin extraction, much harder to do. you can google it alcohol is a easy extraction. only thing is u use everclear and it can get u wasted haha


Active Member
i was planning on doing that with a shit ton of stems. GREEN DRAGON right? i don't know if stems are the best thing to use but ill have about a Q or half of them.