Best time to change fertilizer?


Active Member
I think my plants just begin with flowering (outdoors on balcony), What is the best time to change the fertilzer? I want use one with high potash.


Date: July 19

Peace, Martin

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
To me it would all depend on what they've been fed up until now.

In general I think sticking with the grow formula for the first 2 weeks of the transition/bloom is a good idea..then change to a bloom formula with less N, more P-K. I wouldn't go with just a potash formula though. I would use something with all 3 macro nutrients (and micros too!) in the right proportions for the stage of the grow you are in.

what bloom formulas can you get where you live? Canna? Hesi? It might be worth getting a good bloom formula and going with someone's proven schedule at this point for maximum results.

good luck with the rest of the grow

bt dt

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
here's a Canna Flores & Vega feeding schedule

CANNA UK - UK Terra Info Usage

I've never used these nutes as they are hard to find/must be ordered in my area. Seems like a good line I would say to invest in a bottle and use it/see where you go if it is easily sourced. (if not, look for Hesi or BioBizz)

I'd wager that all of these companies have it down and you will see good results if you follow along with their program and watch your plants closely to see the results.

good luck!

bt dt