Best time to chop?


Active Member
ok so i have an unknown strain whos a little past week 8 in bloom. heres some crap pics because my 600w hps any my iphone dont really get along haha.
but my question is it better to chop right after the lights go off since thats when it smells the dankest or does it not make a difference?


Active Member
I unplug the light timer and harvest during the next light cycle that never comes.
i cant do that lol i have other females under the same light who are only on week 3 of bloom haha
but would it be a good idea to wait until right before the light comes back on?


Well-Known Member
I take them gals at the start of the next light cycle, mostly cause I can trim and hang them in the day light, I read all the stuff up in the plant before the start,