Best Torrent Downloading Sites

Do people still use torrent sites? Is it not enough just to stream movies and shows or i don't understand something? COLOR]

People still employ the UseNet alt.binaries hierarchy. In fact, practically all of the TV, Movies, and pr0n found on torrent sites is first distributed within the scene using FTP then it is distributed to the masses with UseNet then non-scene people get it from there and upload it to torrent sites. Also, there are no $10 month all you can eat services for apps.
I was able to get Mirc going on my phone a few years back, it was great. Late 90s and early 2000s were a hilarious time for the internet.

A great source of embarrassment was getting caught downloading once, just terribly sloppy on my part. I pretended to be elderly and yelled about teenagers stealing my internet copper pipes when Comcast shut me down. Damn junkies. They told me to secure my network and I told them to have a nice day.
I search reddit for new sites to research for educational purposes only of course... (Cough)
Speaking of torrents...I ran my boat into a real mofo , spit me out in the forest ! Or, it could of been those nasty little shrooms...I'm confused now....forget about it, sorry.received_158391229680215.jpeg
Some of those downloads on torrent sites are decoys. Be careful downloading any movies from torrent sites if you have comcast. You could end up with some nasty emails about the legalities of downloading copyrighted material.
Some of those downloads on torrent sites are decoys. Be careful downloading any movies from torrent sites if you have comcast. You could end up with some nasty emails about the legalities of downloading copyrighted material.
Yeah they're in the horde as seeders. You can tweak the settings to weed them out a little bit but expect cease and desist letters from the ISP and entertainment lawyers. Even if you don't seed.
I still get the occasional down load from Pirate Bay, yep, Pirate Bay. Lived on downloaded movies for a decade or so, until Netflix. But as stated, if I hear of some new movie etc, I'll still do a search for a torrent, but you have to be careful..
Streaming requires constant internet access, a platform that is operational, and they often have a limited library. I can download all the movies and shows I want and go out to sea, in the desert, watch while the power is out, whatever. Having a library built over the years that has anything I want as soon as it's released and I download it. I also use Plex so it functions similar to Netflix or Hulu except it's free and you have to download your shows/movies ahead of time.

To be honest, I mostly torrent music and new releases. Most of what's on TV at my house is Netflix which is paid for (mostly) by T-Mobile.

To each their own. I tried the sideloaded Firestick with Kodi and it was too much to keep up with and not worth the stress of getting shit from my ISP. My laptop has a VPN and while it is possible to hook up your router to a VPN it just isn't worth it to me. Maybe shit has changed since I fucked with streaming, though. That app may be awesome. Just sharing my personal thoughts and experience. YMMV.

I use Kodi, have done for years. I don't use those useless streaming addons, they are utter crap. I have a server, with loads of large USB drives attached. The server is running Linux and a VPN. On the server I run a torrent client called Qbittorrent. It can auto download from RSS lists. So I have the lists from sites like RARBG and ShowRSS and it will auto download the shows I have selected every time a new episode is released. It then saves them to the relevant folder on the USB drives. The contents of the drives are shared over my home network using NFS to various devices with Kodi on them (phones, tablets, laptops, desktop PCs and a pair of Google Chromecasts). The server also has a MySQL database that manages the Kodi library. It works well.