Best Trimmers

I didn't call anyone in this thread a criminal and Trump is a 3rd rate wannabe conman who sucks at his craft.
Don't sweat it man, it's just the way you worded your statement. When you said "Only people who grow that much are criminal" some may have gotten offended. I think most like myself were just trying to say to you that your statement is not really accurate in this day and age with so many home growers and the advancements to the home growing industry. Not a big deal.

As for Trump, I won't get involved other than to say I loved him in Planet of the Apes.

Fiskars have shit the bed honestly their quality is absolute dog shit anymore. I wont even buy their stuff it has weak springs and weak blades and like you said it sticks together so easily after even trimming only a few buds..

"The Best" $40

"Great" $10

Obviously the first ones dont have a spring so you may wanna steer clear if you're doing lots of trimming. Personally I use the Shear Perfection titanium and I can zip through a quarter pound before having to stop to clean. If your going to buy some quality scissors that have a coating please also buy 99% alcohol along with it so you can clean them without fucking up the coating on them. Just use 99% alcohol with a cotton rag or old shirt and wipe them off frequently during use.