Best use for fish head and guts?

Kefir is real economical. Great idea there. AQ10 seems to be pretty sweet of a fungal product. Would you culture the mother shrooms?
hahah, careful dont drink it or u'll be fucking like puma according to wikipedia^.
I thought about trying a blended culture for oidium looking teleomorph status molds. Now i'm trying kefir (inmobile bacteria:finger:) thought on adding aq10 to the equation.
Dunno...maybe with the proper medium i could make it thrive through ph4-5 in order to alternate treatments (lactic acid-aq10-repeat) . It's well known it can be cultured in tweaked soil so maybe i try this after summer.
Yeah sure i'm givin it a try either by cultures or bruteforce spraying. I'm currently facing like 5-6 months of preventive treatments. The more i read about its exudates and spreading skills the more i think well worth dusting the hepa unit just to split & seal some zips for this bitchy inoculum
Yeah sure i'm givin it a try either by cultures or bruteforce spraying. I'm currently facing like 5-6 months of preventive treatments. The more i read about its exudates and spreading skills the more i think well worth dusting the hepa unit just to split & seal some zips for this bitchy inoculum
Woah what? Putting it in the air exhaust?
KNF tech all the way, ferment it like mentioned above! Fish ferments make excellent "bloom boosters"
They work well in veg stage too. It an easy foliar spray to cover an entire outdoor garden, fruits vegs, flowering plants, cacti. I've been feeding my trichocerus cacti seedlings for some reason. Idk that they actually care though.. but they're a cm to two inches max and don't burn up when i soil drench their pots with tea.
phahah^ thought exactly the same by putting it facing the intake! ona gel style with mycoparasitic features^ that could be the lazy tek but i was referring to work a bit the ampelomyces q. in front of my old flow hood.
btw I've been advised o_O i'm under diogenes syndrome defcon1 alert & she prolly is gonna fry my bollocks

anyway i'm getting closer! Still spinning around the proper media, have a look crap man, wick cultures^ here you have it m8, your carrot broth^
some temperature graphs at the uploaded pdf


phahah^ thought exactly the same by putting it facing the intake! ona gel style with mycoparasitic features^ that could be the lazy tek but i was referring to work a bit the ampelomyces q. in front of my old flow hood.
btw I've been advised o_O i'm under diogenes syndrome defcon1 alert & she prolly is gonna fry my bollocks

anyway i'm getting closer! Still spinning around the proper media, have a look crap man, wick cultures^ here you have it m8, your carrot broth^
some temperature graphs at the uploaded pdf
You're literally loosing your marbles? or is it a metaphore for going ape on these culturing teks?
Liquid Culture of Ampelomyces quisqualis, a Mycoparasite for Biological Control of Powdery Mildews


Ampelomyces quisqualis
produced pycnidia but not conidia on malt-yeast extract (MY) agar, while in MY broth the fungus formed both pycnidia and conidia in 7 days. Shaking the culture greatly increased the amount of conidia produced in MY broth. Among the vegetables tested, carrot broth was best for conidial formation under shaking conditions, followed by tomato broth and cucumber broth. The fungus failed to grow in potato broth. When A. quisqualis conidia produced in carrot broth were incubated together with Oidium euonymi-japonicae conidia on glass slides under moist conditions, parasitism of this mycoparasite on its powdery host was observed for the first time outside the host of the powdery mildew.


Seems easy enough for most sustainable agriculture techniques. i imagine a typical brewers stir plate could take the place of a shaker while simply keeping the substrate in a warm unchanging room may work too. spin/warm then aerate with a typical foliar spray tea. I didn't add anything but lacto, purple sulfur, and photosynthetic bacteria to the carrot ferment.

I recently did an experiment using only bokashi as a substrate to culture mycellium on but the molds choked out the mycellium.

Here's the new SCOBY forming in the surface of each jar. Left one is much more vigorous than the other. These are from dehydrated SCOBY that were only recently being revived. Tbh the weaker surface mushroom on the right looks more like yeast culturing. I'll keep on incubating and see what it does.
20160531_213002.jpg 20160531_213044.jpg

To anyone clueless as to what this is: the large gross looking thing taking up the most jar space is a "dead" kambucha brewing mushroom that has birthed a very alive offspring. When alive it forms baby mushrooms very frequently if fed a proper tea, probiotic and sugar diet. About two a month. The liquid is indeed drinkable, good for the digestive track, and becomes carbonated when bottled in. This cultures probiotic molds and bacteria very easily.
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