Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?


Well-Known Member
thnx dude, +rep for the advice.... i was hoping castings would be sufficient, am a bit concerned about drainage.... what mix ratio would you recommend, im leaning towards %50 castings, %25 Perlite, %25 Mushroom Compost...... but the more i think about this mix, the richer it sounds.... to rich maybe?
I've tried growing in worm castings alone before, it's too dense and holds the moisture too well, even your 25% perlite will not be enough. get some plant based compost as it is lighter airier etc. Correct me if I'm wrong but mushroom compost is usually cow shit so that too would be quite dense.
Also I have found that autos are quite sensitive at first, they took absolute ages to do anything at seedling stage in the castings. Personally you should see castings as a fertiliser to be added on a smaller percentage as opposed to other ingredients. Cannabis needs very well drained mediums to prosper.
lastly I am a strictly aero guy so soil mixtures are not my thing but I'd go no more than 25% castings in my mix.


Active Member
Sorry to bust in on this thread guys,

So I have 3 weeks left in the place I'm living. I get mail for two people who I've never met quite alot, think they used to live here.

If I had seeds sent to one of their names, at this house, but wasn't gonna use the set-up til I move in 3 weeks.. is that safe? Ish?

With stealth from attitude. Seems pretty rock solid to me yeah? Ordered off a prezzy card of course.

I want that Church!!


Active Member
Sorry to bust in on this thread guys,

So I have 3 weeks left in the place I'm living. I get mail for two people who I've never met quite alot, think they used to live here.

If I had seeds sent to one of their names, at this house, but wasn't gonna use the set-up til I move in 3 weeks.. is that safe? Ish?

With stealth from attitude. Seems pretty rock solid to me yeah? Ordered off a prezzy card of course.

I want that Church!!
You should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to bust in on this thread guys,

So I have 3 weeks left in the place I'm living. I get mail for two people who I've never met quite alot, think they used to live here.

If I had seeds sent to one of their names, at this house, but wasn't gonna use the set-up til I move in 3 weeks.. is that safe? Ish?

With stealth from attitude. Seems pretty rock solid to me yeah? Ordered off a prezzy card of course.

I want that Church!!
Or you can send me money and I send you church clones, done all the hard work already for ya!


Well-Known Member
In case anymore sheep shaggers ask me, I do not live in NZ nor do i supply clones, please stop sending PM's asking for clones. It was merely a joke in passing, who does not get that??????????????????????????????


attitude = good to go! get stealth shipping with your order i get t-shirts sent with mine have never had one package snagged and have done a few orders


Well-Known Member
Ive ordered from attitude. Just be careful not to go overboard, I've seen a couple of years back a boarder patrol program we had say they see the seeds come in but don't care unless its a lot of them. I ordered them in a hemp satchel, its lasted me well and I figured an x-ray machine shouldn't pick up seeds through hemp fiber.

Good to see theres a few of us on here, god speed to ya's all!

EDIT: And I'm looking for a friend in Dunners, I've just moved here, this place is dry as!!


Just to let yall know Im in NZ and ordered from attitude on the 8/12/11, its the 21/1/2012 today still hasnt arrived. T&T shows its in progress but it has been since the 17/12/2011. Pretty gutted. It was a small order only $90NZD 8 seeds (including freebies) and guaranteed shipping was used, I am pretty sure it has been intercepted. Try to source local clones/seeds safer and easier, just gonna have to sacrifice strain choice. Will attempt to contact attitude again, though they have been pretty helpful it isn't their fault the order hasnt arrived.
I have brought from the seedsman about 6 times in the last 2 years with no trouble at all. I get cash out and buy a prezzy card with the cash. (No electronic record of buying the prezzy card) and order the seeds under a fake name with an fake assoicated email address with gmail or yahoo. Completely untraceable. and If the police turn up to your hosue just claim you don't know who this person is and that you don't know whats in the package. Never had a problem, but if I did no charges would stick due to the lack of evidence and proof. Make sure the people you live with have the same stroy as you just incase something doesd happen and stick with a consistant story with no holes. Be smart and live by the '7 P's'
'Poor Prior Planning Produces Piss Poor Performance'.
Its the people who use their debit cards and or credit cards, with their real names that if something happened would be caught and convicted. LEAVE NO PAPER TRAIL OR EVIDENCE THAT LEADS TO YOU, SIMPLE AS THAT. AND NEVER GETS SEEDS SENT WHERE YOU GOING TO GROW THEM OR HAVE ANYTHING ANY DRUGS AT.