Best way to deal with a theif.

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Active Member
Someone else had the right idea with framing them as a sexual predator. Put child porn in his car with some underoos and a corn cob (?). Then call the cops on him saying he made an advance on your son.
Or get a picture of him, and make flyers and post them up all over your neighborhood. "I'm a drug slinging xbox thief!" or "Have you seen me? Call (insert FBI's phone # here)"
Steal his liscence plates off his car and switch them with someone else's plates them get him pulled over for false plates. If he's got anything on him that's extra headache for him.
Nominate him for a local citizenship award, the last thing he probably wants is community attention or a good rep. Kill him with kindness.
oh, and slash his tires. Superglue his windshield wipers in place. Glue his gas cap shut. Get ahold of fountain soda syrup and poor it over his car, then saran wrap it. Bust out one tail light to get him pulled over. Put dead fish in his car. Buy a chicken then cut it's head off while in his car and let it run around spurting arterial spray. Get into his engine compartment and mix up the order of his spark plugs.
Reroute the exhaust from the car into the cab. Poor sugar , or knox gelatin into his gas tank.

I'm an Xbox fan and what that asshole did is inexcusable! I threw a lot of ideas out there, but in all honesty while I support payback, don't involve the cops or use any of the ideas submitted that involve snitching. Karma man.... what if someone snitched on you. Deserved or not...


Active Member
break his knees then tear your shirt or whatever so that when the cops are called then u can say it was in self defense


Well-Known Member
how do you know he took it?

threats of personal violence are highly frowned upon at rollitup. i should ban the half of you. :fire:

how do you know HE took it?


Well-Known Member
nothing new...people have been saying the same thing since page 1...dont race to action just because i jumped in the mix

the guy caught you slipping...charge it to the game

maybe i just got here.

you made a personal attack, now you try to justify it by saying "everyone is doing it"?

you all are too young to be here.

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