best way to dry and cure my yeild


Tx for all the replys fellow members, some really good tips .will be following a lot of what you've all said.. only couple weeks left and the blue cheese is looking chronic.. best by far don't whant to Fuck it up at the last hurdle...

Peace. .

redeye jedi88

Active Member
easiest way to cure i find is with hygrometer and mason jars then at least you know you cant go wrong with mould etc....curing is basically a slower dry than the hang also gets an even finish so DONT dry till stems snap because you cant slow dry something that is already fully dry.this is were the hygrometers come in handy place them in your mason jars along with your product and depending on the rh in the jars depends on how long and how much you burp the jars for your aiming for around 60% rh once there they can be stored long term. there is a more detailed description on here somewhere just need to ignore mary for abit grab some munch and have a read


Active Member
I hang dry then trim and all is ready.
For me the hang dry is the cure and
all my smoke turns out great in every way.


Hang dry it, keep well ventilated the first week for sure, and then let her sit another week AT LEAST out in a dark moderate temp room.

Man oh man oh man.. you think it is brittle dry.. but when you trim it you immediately know why you did it this way.. the aromas.. there is NEVER a hay smell when you dry the plant whole and untrimmed. The flavors are out of this world.

If you are growing to consume for you and only you, you owe it to yourself to try drying the whole plant for several weeks and THEN trimming .. you wont believe the incredible difference..

This is just my story, others own mileage may vary.


Active Member
Our personal favorite drying/curing method... during the last 3 days of flush, remove all the fan leaves... then on harvest day, we chop the entire plant, hang it upside down and take off clusters of branches...

Once those are manicured, they hang from coat hangers in a cool dry place with no light for a couple days until they start to dry-- then we remove the buds, lay them on screens in an old Refrigerator & the linen closet with small fans for air...

Once they feel "Crispy" we jar them, but leave the jars open overnight ..then seal them for 10-12 hours. Open them, and dump them then re-jar them.. leaving the jar open if they are damp- closed if too dry.
We air them this way daily until they reach the exact consistency we want-- we add a chunk of lettuce if they get too crispy- for about 2-3 hours-- then air em again.

We found that just hanging them often made them "spread-open" during the drying, making them feel fluffy.


Active Member
for all the people talking about "drying" there buds by sticking them in refrigerators and what not please do yourself some service and stop doing this... "drying" your buds in refrigerators makes your triche's fragile just like when you make hash your supposed to make your product really cold to get the triche's to fall off so all your doing in this drying process is making more triches fall off than what would normally fall of by dumping them in and out of jars or knocking them around in jars essentially all your doing is breaking down the quality of your bud so plz stop just thought i would share that.... all you hafta do is hang the plant up in a well circulated area (trimmed or untrimmed) till the stems snap put them in jars burp them 1-2 times a day and cure for however long you like... the longer the cure the better the taste its a very simple process no need to get all technical and shit ::leaf:: good luck


Well-Known Member
for all the people talking about "drying" there buds by sticking them in refrigerators and what not please do yourself some service and stop doing this... "drying" your buds in refrigerators makes your triche's fragile just like when you make hash your supposed to make your product really cold to get the triche's to fall off so all your doing in this drying process is making more triches fall off than what would normally fall of by dumping them in and out of jars or knocking them around in jars essentially all your doing is breaking down the quality of your bud so plz stop just thought i would share that.... all you hafta do is hang the plant up in a well circulated area (trimmed or untrimmed) till the stems snap put them in jars burp them 1-2 times a day and cure for however long you like... the longer the cure the better the taste its a very simple process no need to get all technical and shit ::leaf:: good luck
True that bro
I tried soooo many ways....n 95% of what I learned I read here n had some errors ...I tried whole plant dry...chopping them up..n even half whole half chopped up..n all types of leaving on fan leaves or taking them off....THE best way has to b chop plant whole n leave every single fan leaf on if possible ..reason y bcuz when u pull away that dry brittle fan leaf it protects the bud n trichomea fromi damage of rough handling...#2 slower dry #3 beautiful smell n taste sweet tooth tasted bad on its first run...on 2nd run I did basically no nutes at all n use only wat the soil had n fan leaves turned purple during flower n it had a amazing taste n smell with no cure at all! n it was an auto...idk wat works for u..but I tried a lot of crazy ways from reading on here to only wish I didn't after I spent 2-3months caring for way..chop whole n leave fan leafs on