best way to dry buds?


Active Member
I always heard about putting them in a empty jar and sealing it tight,I was going to try this can anyone tell me whether it works or not?
Not for drying. But after drying for curing but you can put them into jars then you "burp" (open the jar) every so often... I'm no expert.
i just harvested my blueberry and vanilla kush. The vanilla kush was a bit premature but i wanted to do both plants at once since it was my first time and my friend came over to help. I've got the top cola's and some of the larger buds hang drying in a cardboard box, but most is in large paper bags. First two days i''m keeping the bags open (but in a dark place) then i'll close bags and open every couple hours for about 10 days or until stems break, then jarsss


Well-Known Member
I have tried the paper bag method and i believe it shortens the dry time, which is not neessarily a good thing. u want them dubs to dry slowly over 5-7 days before u start the cure so that chlorofyll and other things have to to leave the bud naturally. i also notice that the final product smell isnt as intense as with a dry from just letting them sit in the open. So my method is air drying til u can keep a joint lit, then in jars for at least a wk. good luck!