Best way to entice politicians is $$$$


Active Member
I say forget MMJ, let’s go for a National Legalization of Cannabis! If we have to settle for MMJ, then fine but let’s go for the gold and push for a total legalization of cannabis.

What’s the best way to get the message out to politicians about how much money and how many jobs could be created by legalizing cannabis in the US? If you look at the economic impact cannabis taxation could make, the financial upside is unmistakable. Tax revenues and job creation should look pretty good to most politicians right now, given the current doom and gloom attitudes.

Isn’t this a perfect time to really push hard for legalization? It seems to me that with all the political blustering and posturing over tax declines and budget deficits, it should look like a no brainer to all but the most entrenched. I sure do hope that we’re not missing a really good opportunity to push hard for legalization.

Is Amsterdam a good model for legalization? Are there any better examples to cite?

What is the best way to dispel the argument that the negative costs (drug abuse treatment, etc) of legalization would outstrip tax revenues brought in?
Does anyone in Cali have any State Government links showing State costs for treatments verses tax revenues? Does the Cali government claim that use among youth has gone up substantially since MMJ legalization?
Should those questions even be brought up and taken head on?

What is the best way to coordinate all the pro cannabis organizations and websites and to get this idea out to the media outlets to help promote legalization? I know that I see more people on FOX pushing for legalization than any other network. Seems like other media outlets would be interested in this also.

We have all heard about the “Day of Rage” in the mid East.

What about a “Day of Peace” or something like that here on 4-20?

I’m just saying that it sure looks like a good opportunity right now and someone needs to get something started QUICKLY. S


Well-Known Member
i wish you were correct. but your not...

politicians aren't interested in how much money can be made. they're interested in how much money THEY can make, or how can THEY benefit from anything...

fuck the rest of us....


Well-Known Member
I feel the "ELITE" mofos in the political world are just worried about staying in office. If you want to get any thing done in this country you are going to have to put Americans in political office. I feel that we are the American people and when people see that, the better America will be. Till then I guess it will be the same thing going on now in our congress 2 weeks extension on our yearly budget. Those dumb MOFOs