best way to germinate my seeds?


Active Member
i am just curious on the best method of how to germinate my seeds. i did the paper towel method but i didnt see any results so i was wondering if anyone out there has a more effecient way of germinating marijuana seeds.


Active Member
cotton wool on a plate, wet it drop on seeds then cover with another plate upside down.put in a dark place check after a day dont let cotton wool dry out, the should germinate within 72 hours. you can jump start the process by putting seeds in a jar of water for 24 hours and soaking them.good seeds will sink, bad seeds will float.


Well-Known Member
Trust me and try this. Put an inch of water(warm) in a cup. Put your seeds in the water for 24 hours(warm place). Plant the seeds ya had soaking in the water. They will be up in 2 to 3 days. This called worrie free germ and planting. Ya cant mess up and they grow.

EDIT*** seeds that soak or float are good.


Active Member
What medium do you plant them in after soaking? And do you recommend keeping the seeds in a warm place until they sprout?


Active Member
thanks for all the feedback, so like the guy said before quickest and surest way of germinating seeds is in an inch of water? alright im gonna get some white wids and try that method. thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the feedback, so like the guy said before quickest and surest way of germinating seeds is in an inch of water? alright im gonna get some white wids and try that method. thanks alot.

Ya man just soak them for 6-8 hours. I think 24 hours is too much personally, but whatever.


Active Member
this site is quite amazing i asked a question and already 4 replies with the exact information i need.

yeah the way i germinated before was i did the paper towel thing and kept them moist for 2 days. although keeping things moist in arizona is a hard challenge, i still managed to do it. im gonna do the water thing next. keep smoking: D


Well-Known Member
I did the paper towel method and I got 33% germination rate. (4 out of 12). I think they were bad seeds though (I got them from friends and had them stored them for about 2 years).


Well-Known Member
I did the paper towel method and I got 33% germination rate. (4 out of 12). I think they were bad seeds though (I got them from friends and had them stored them for about 2 years).
Standard agricultural practice is to discard or destroy seeds more than a year old.
33% germination for 2 year old seeds is not surprising at all, regardless of method.


germinating seeds is NOT necessary, put them in the medium add distilled water and puff theres you plant. What a miracle...

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I fill a beer cup half way with soil and cover it with another cup for a few days on a heating pad in the dark.

I check them 3 days to 4 days in and usually they have started to sprout.
I then remove the top cup and let them get some light.

I found that domes are great for clones but seriously slow down seedlings growth. But use a heating pad with both aplications.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
germinating seeds is NOT necessary, put them in the medium add distilled water and puff theres you plant. What a miracle...
Well by God, I'm impressed!
Jerry, you seem to be a "newb" with "green" instincts. Quite right my friend! It is NOT necessary to soak or paper towel seeds. The obvious question would be: Who the hell has been soaking cannabis seeds for hundreds of thousands of years in order to get them to germinate? The truth is simple, place seed 1/4" into moist grow medium at 78/80 degrees f. and strong, healthy plants will appear. Weak and inferior genetics will not make it past this point. I want ONLY the strongest in my garden. Good luck & good grow.......BB