best way to germinate seeds


Well-Known Member
I believe there isn't a most successful way, they all have failure rates very similar. The best way is a method you feel you can do according to the exact instructions. You'll only get better with more experience...You'll learn from each germination and find what works best for you and that is the most successful way. Try one at a time before you put all your eggs in one basket.


Well-Known Member
i find the best way is just the plain and simple paper towel fold it once then put the seeds on top then fold it again. put it on a plate wet the towel not soak. then put a bowl over it and keep it in a dark warm space i use the cupboard above the fridge the heat from the fridge is perfect


Well-Known Member
I use the paper towel method as mentioned above with plate/bowl put together except I put it on my cable box too which keeps it at about 80-85F. Obviously if you can afford it a heat pad is better though...


Well-Known Member
same thing with the paper towel method... use a spray bottle or wet your hands repeatedly under warm water and keep patting both sides of the paper towel till its MOIST and NOT SOAKED.... put it in a paper bag to hold moisture in and i wrap it in a sweater or sweatshirt... as time went on, i'd say my germinating rate is up to 95%..
it also depends on the seeds... some could be damaged or not well developed and not realizing it, would be frustrating yourself trying to crack a seed thats not going to do it...

but yeah... basically... seeds in a moist paper towel, between two plates in a warm dark place is the foundation of many peoples germinating technique/method


Active Member
I actually use my fish tank filter media.I have a bio sponge that i cut 4 slits in to the top and slip the seeds in point up.It works great i have about 97% germination rate.I think it is due to my water having so much oxygen,plus a constant flow!
After germination and roots form simply cut out squares around roots being careful not to cut the actual root.You can then plant bio media [about $2.00 for 28inches dont worry about cutting it]and all straight into dirt or rockwool,if u have fish in your tank do not use rockwool in filter.The filter i use is very inexpensive [walmart-$10.00] simply hang on a five gallon or smaller bucket and watch the magic happen.Also the nitrogen content in "fish" water supposedly makes for more females[i dont see a differance]A friend of mine actually grows smaller size plants directly in his filter but his was more expensive at about $50.00
and it only holds 2 /12-15inch plants.


Well-Known Member
I actually use my fish tank filter media.I have a bio sponge that i cut 4 slits in to the top and slip the seeds in point up.It works great i have about 97% germination rate.I think it is due to my water having so much oxygen,plus a constant flow!
After germination and roots form simply cut out squares around roots being careful not to cut the actual root.You can then plant bio media [about $2.00 for 28inches dont worry about cutting it]and all straight into dirt or rockwool,if u have fish in your tank do not use rockwool in filter.The filter i use is very inexpensive [walmart-$10.00] simply hang on a five gallon or smaller bucket and watch the magic happen.Also the nitrogen content in "fish" water supposedly makes for more females[i dont see a differance]A friend of mine actually grows smaller size plants directly in his filter but his was more expensive at about $50.00
and it only holds 2 /12-15inch plants.

?????????? :shock: ??????????????



Well-Known Member
I actually use my fish tank filter media.I have a bio sponge that i cut 4 slits in to the top and slip the seeds in point up.It works great i have about 97% germination rate.I think it is due to my water having so much oxygen,plus a constant flow!
After germination and roots form simply cut out squares around roots being careful not to cut the actual root.You can then plant bio media [about $2.00 for 28inches dont worry about cutting it]and all straight into dirt or rockwool,if u have fish in your tank do not use rockwool in filter.The filter i use is very inexpensive [walmart-$10.00] simply hang on a five gallon or smaller bucket and watch the magic happen.Also the nitrogen content in "fish" water supposedly makes for more females[i dont see a differance]A friend of mine actually grows smaller size plants directly in his filter but his was more expensive at about $50.00
and it only holds 2 /12-15inch plants.
WOW! interesting... explain for the children again...or just the


Well-Known Member
Anybody use white paper towels with designs (ink)? Or strictly the classic pure brown paper towels? I don't want to go buy those if I don't have to.

Also, anybody heard of flexiplugs? They're kept moist, so I'm wondering if I can just germinate in those?


Active Member
The most simple plans are the ones that are most likely to succeed. I put my clearly labeled seeds between layers of warm, wet paper towels. The only time I have ever had failures germinating seeds are when they have been stored for too long in improper conditions. GL


Well-Known Member
My seeds have been sitting in the original bag they came in, on a self in my room for 2 weeks. Is that bad? I didn't know you had to store them. What would be proper conditions for storage?


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Who knows how long they sat at the seedbank tho. I'm actually germinating seeds now, well trying to anyway... I wet a plain-white paper towel last night, put the seeds in it, then a bowl on top, and let em sit over night on top of my 360. They didn't germinate. I think the Xbox didn't get hot enough (the one and only time I wanted it to wtf). I did this same thing again today, but placed them in my grow cabinet this time, which stays at an uncomforable 85F. I also wrapped them in a bath towel to futher keep heat and moisture in, and light out. I think they'll do better in there. Or did I miss my chance? I mean, by screwing up the first time, did I screw these seeds up any? Or do they still have a chance at germinating?

I tried 4 out of 20 total, maybe I should have just tried 1 at a time seems how I've never done this before. I will going forward til I figure out 'my' method.


Well-Known Member
I used Dr. Von... 101 school method, had great success. Most of my seeds broke ground within 3 days. I suggest checking out his thread.


Active Member
i know this seems dumb but im new. How and when do you transfer germinated seeds to rockwool w/o stressing or killing them? also anybody try the Sure to Grow media yet, know any good techniques for germinating?


Well-Known Member
i know this seems dumb but im new. How and when do you transfer germinated seeds to rockwool w/o stressing or killing them? also anybody try the Sure to Grow media yet, know any good techniques for germinating?
ull kno wen. a white tail come out of the seed aka ur first root i like to wait till it get 1-2 inches before planting


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Who knows how long they sat at the seedbank tho. I'm actually germinating seeds now, well trying to anyway... I wet a plain-white paper towel last night, put the seeds in it, then a bowl on top, and let em sit over night on top of my 360. They didn't germinate. I think the Xbox didn't get hot enough (the one and only time I wanted it to wtf). I did this same thing again today, but placed them in my grow cabinet this time, which stays at an uncomforable 85F. I also wrapped them in a bath towel to futher keep heat and moisture in, and light out. I think they'll do better in there. Or did I miss my chance? I mean, by screwing up the first time, did I screw these seeds up any? Or do they still have a chance at germinating?

I tried 4 out of 20 total, maybe I should have just tried 1 at a time seems how I've never done this before. I will going forward til I figure out 'my' method.
No sometimes it takes morre than a day to germinate seeds be patient and be aware that there are chances that not all will crack


Active Member
I've had a 100% germ rate using papertowel method. Fold papertowl, place seeds in the middle, wet paper towel and then seal in a ziplock bag and on top of the cable box it goes. After 1-3 days all of my seeds have sprouted and then into the dirt!