Best way to germinate?


Everyone seems to have different opinions when it comes to germination. It seems the most common way is the paper towel method, but others prefer the shot glass method and yet I've seen threads with people swearing by putting the seeds straight into soil.

So what really is the best method?

Also when the seed goes into the soil with any of the methods, should it be put on a light schedule straight away, or is it best to leave seeds in the dark until they break soil?



Well-Known Member
Give them 18+ hours of light right away.

I germinate in solo red plastic cups with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I put the seed about a half inch down and keep the soil slightly moist for a couple days. I transplant after the first set of true leaves form.

Brooklynz Kush

Active Member
I just throw my seeds in a cup of water when they sprout i put them in dirt or rockwool and leave them in the dark usually within a day it will sprout up.Then i would add the light but like you said everybody has there own way.


Well-Known Member
I like the paper towel method..but all the methods seem to work good ..happy growing

ganja girl

New Member
I put seeds in a small matchbox that I glued nail files in. I shake the box off and on for one day then, I place them in Rockwool, then irrigate with water infused with Super Thrive and sit them on top of a heating pad set on low. It works for me.


First time i ever did this 3 weeks ago, i was in same position with what to do, i went for paper towel method as it seemed the easiest. Put 12 seeds inbetween 2 moist towels and left in airing cupboard. 24 hours and the first started to germ, with 36 hours all had popped out. Then straight into expanded peat blocks and into a corner of my grow room, under partial light for 18 on and 6 off. Glad to say all are now looking mighty fine.
Good luck and ask away if you dont no, everyone here is well helpful


if doing the shot glass method should I just wait for the seed to sink, or wait until it cracks or sprouts?

Also with paper towel method am I just waiting for it to crack or should I wait for a taproot?


Active Member
I'm glad someone started this thread cause I just came here to ask the same question...

I use an old washcloth and fold it twice. I put it on a plate and add water till the whole thing is pretty wet. This way I have layers to put different strains of seeds in to keep track of them. Usually they crack and then I see a root finding it's way out. This has always worked pretty well for me.

But... I have a question... I germed some white widow and black berry back in early june and no problems. Then these last couple of weeks I've been trying to germ some white widow, razzle dazzle and dragon's blood... 1/2 the 9 white widows cracked but no root growth. All 3 of the razzle dazzle cracked but no root growth. And NONE of the 9 dragon's blood cracked... Same setup I've always used, same tap water but summer temps. Do you think this happened cause of temps being higher? (80*F)


Well-Known Member
Seems like a lot of people take germination way too seriously :shock:

Seeds germinate just fine in moist soil, no paper towel required. That is how they evolved :weed:


Well-Known Member
whether it's the paper towel or the cup method, keeping it in a 100% warm dark place makes such a difference. if by day 2 you still see some havent germed you can rub them with some sandpaper, gently, to scratch off excess shell.
i use the pill box method. i wrapped a small sheet of sandpaper around the inside of an empty pill bottle, and i just give any slow beans a couple of shakes in it.

72 hours is the lifeline of a good genetic seed so don't even waste your time after 72 hours. :(


Well-Known Member
I posted this in a similar thread today, you can see the pictures by clicking on the blue and white arrow box next to my id. Good luck!

Ok here it is one more time but with pictures :D I started an Acapulco Gold and Sharksbreath from Attitude exactly 5 days ago. This puts me at 9 for 9 using this method :leaf:

Things I use:
- PureBlend Pro "Vegetative formula" I used half the required strength for seedlings
- Tap water balanced to 6.0 (I used regular tap water on 2 freebie seeds and it worked also)

Step #1: Get a pot/cup
Step #2: Grab some Foxfarm Ocean Forest and fill it to desired height
Step #3: Water the soil and let it drain
Step #4: Label your cubs
Step #5: Poke hole in the middle of the soil about nail length
Step #6: Drop in seed (make sure to drop it in the correctly labeled cup/pot)
Step #7: Using a spray bottle spray the seed
Step #7: Lightly cover with FFOF
Step #8: Using a spray bottle spray over the soil until the water starts to seep in, I keep spraying it until I think it's reached the seed
Step #9: Put a dome over it for humidity
Step #10: Put it in your veg, seedling area
Step #11: Smoke and wait :D