Best way to get a seed started and then transported?

Hello i was just curious some of the better methods of starting a seed. I have heard leave it in a shot glass till it sinks to the bottom then insert it into something like a rooter plug. My friend had some problems with rockwool cubes and i was thinking of trying rooter plugs. I am only doing 5 fems so i want to make sure they all sprout. I am growing in 2 GAL plastic pots and want to do it right.


Well-Known Member
i soak mine in water with a bit of H2O2 for 24hrs then i just stick them a party cup filled with soil, at 1/4in deep


Well-Known Member
There are a million ways to start a seed. I put mine about 1/2 deep in a small pot filled with miracle grow seed starting mix, then get the soil nice and moist and cover it with some plastic wrap and put it under some 24 hr cfl light. The seed sould sprout in a couple days. I take the plastic wrap off as soon as the sprout touches it.
Is it an alright idea to just use the paper towel method and then insert directly into 2 gal pot, i used the plastic cup method before and a few of them fell apart coming out of the cup.


the bible says to soak a seed for 24 hours in a glass of water in complete darkness. then put it in between a moist paper towel on a plate, also in complete darkness untill the white sprout start coming out. then plant it in fine potting soil 1/4 inch deep or twice as deep as the size of the seed. I have followed these instrustions and have been very succesful.


Well-Known Member
i start mine with the wet paper towel method for a few days and when the tap root comes out i transplant into small pot, burying the tap root and barely keep the top part above soil