Best way to make butter??

im not looking for the fastest way, there are so many methods i can find on the net, im wondering what the best way to make butter is? again i dont care if it takes 15 minutes, i dont care if it takes 4 days, i just wanna know whats the best way for the best butter??


Well-Known Member
It really depends on strain. Some strains budder up real fast and other take a bit of whipping. I've had some budder up with no whipping and others refuse all together. I'd suggest just trying it and figuring out what you like.


Active Member
I use this method - 40 grams to 1 lb of butter:



Well-Known Member
I make a ton of it. My method is repeated by many on the cooking with cannabis forum. I personally use 28 grams of my fine manicured sugar coated trim per pound of butter. I put it in a crock pot, filling it with enough water to go over the butter about 1/4 to 1/2 inch, add the herb, and stir once an hour for 12 hrs. Strain through two layers of cheese cloth, available in the baking aisle of any grocery store, and put in fridge in large metal bowl.

Next morning I cut a small hole in the finished butter, and pour out the brown nasty water. I then lay the brick of butter on a cutting board, scrape the bottom with a spoon of any of the left over brown water crap, real clean. It's ready for use, and devastating. My patients LOVE the shortbread my wife makes, one batch uses the whole pound. One small slice and enjoy for the rest of the day.

Make sure you don't burn the butter, keep the crock on low all day long, and crack the lid to control temp. Don't let it boil! The shit you strain out is garbage btw.

Hope it helps......


Active Member
I take a crock pot, put a few cups of water in it, and turn it on high. Grind up the herbs and stir em in. Put the top on and let that go for an hour or so string occasionally. Take the desired amount of organic grass fed cows butter, non gmo expeller/cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, or expeller pressed extra virgin coconut oil and drop it in the crock pot. Melt it and stir it all together real good. I let that go all day on high and then medium. Strain/squeeze through a cheese cloth into a tupperware container and put in the refrigerator. You may want to run the herb again to get all the fat off the plant matter


Well-Known Member
1Oz trim to 1 stick

Boil water in seprate pot then add to crock pot set to low....add stick of butter and let melt.....

Once melted add grinded bud or trim and make sure all is covered.. ( if not add more water)

ur gonna cook this for 6-8 hrs on low 160-189f never let it simmer constantly stirring few times every hr

if u notice it needs more water then add it... dont want it to thicken up too much

after time has passed let sit for a few mins then place cheese cloth on strainer and strain

once in bowl place in fridge over night ( use plastic, easier to seperate butter from sides)
after its solid again pour out water and freeze butter for later use...