best way to make dry sieve hash?


Well-Known Member
I was gonna buy a pollinator type machine for hash but I seen a video with a dry ice method looked like it might yield better but I have no idea. Also I don't know if the quality is any different I'd rather not have a fucked up taste from dry ice if it even makes a difference.
there is no taste difference with dry ice or bubble hash. or ice wash hash.. what ever you want to call the dry ice method is so fast cool and easy.. 220 micron bubble bag, depending on how much DRY trim you are doing you will only need about 5 lbs tops. and if you have left over ice it will produce co2 for your girls. just put it in your room above the plants and add just a little water and the fog will roll right over your girls giving them a great co2 bath..
ice hash can be pressed or left in the powder form and drizzle it on doobies or press it and sell the shit out of it..

let the ice mix with the trim for about 2-3 minutes then flip and shake.. the first round will be golder or blonde. second shake will be greener.. . careful not to ever shake and freeze your screen so shake for about 30 to 45 seconds at a time..
If you use a 190 micron or 160 you'll get a way better product, less green with dry ice you have to be very careful cause of how cold it makes everything, I think it may even get so cold it breaks up the trichomes witch is not good seeing the best bubble comes from the bag with the most full trichome heads, I don't know this for sure but it'd be nice if someone checked the trichomes after a dry ice run

So i guess I'd go with the tumbler or if you want to look through the Frenchy Cannoli Hash thread I posted a link for a place that sells framed screens in all micron sizes for dry sifting by hand
Dry sieving has to be GENTLE, hand sieving is your best option for quality, your choice of sieve size is also very important.
I wonder what the difference would be using silk compare to nylon mesh or what the bags are made of
sieve_TEK.jpgI built my own dry ice shaker from one of those paint shaker's that run off compressed air. I've managed to get it to separate the good from the bad at the 220 and 160 level so I'm pretty happy for product I was being hyper brute with because I was mad at it for getting in the way of a 1/2 pound run. It's not the prettiest kief one can make, but for aged material I was able to reclaim good color's at all levels so I thought i'd share.
yeah there just bubble bag's at the moment unfortunately mixing with cheap plastic until I get the time to find stainless steel stock pots that slot into each other. What your looking at is the buckets seperated for "carefull" harvesting. I get itchy sneezy so the whole deal can remix in one shaky hachooo. I had already had vibratory sieving on the brain from when i designed a worm seperating tumbler for my worm castings. Anyhoo you can go screen crazy, i wash my screen's with ethanol after each run and get shatter back from the pyrex. I'm always looks for side yields, if I can keep up doing it this way I think i'd make holy anointing/ oil from the shatter.
how come every other forum has stickies and on every other site, except for the RIU c&e section, who decides those sort of things, wtf???

all we got is a fuckin hash sticky that no one even cares about... would be nice to see an ISO sticky, a BHO sticky, a dry sieve sticky, and a winterizing sticky too sort of thing so threads dont get buried.
Yea that's what I was saying in the iso thread. I think someone somewhat knowledgeable and active should be made a mod for this section, I don't think we have a dedicated mod...I don't think.....and stickies galore.. iso, bho, vacuuming, waxing, winterizing yup...we need to step it up over here
but you did end up sharing here, and it was great... or was it somewhere else you shared and I brought the info here?? cant remember. either way, the info is out there now for people that wanna dry sift
Looks pretty interesting, I'll enjoy reading it today after work, these 4"screen on the phones just don't cut it sometimes lol
Lol.....I'm surprised it took this long, I would have deleted immediately. Stupid spammers. I don't care what he posted elsewhere, posting in 5 different threads his nonsense, is spam.

But perhaps I wouldn't make a good mod lol. Be deleting everybody