best way to make dry sieve hash?

I think good dry ice hash is as good or better than any other solventless method..kinda embarrassed to post this vid, made it about 3yrs ago when i was really into youtube ahha, but I still do the same thing, some tasty stuff and really easy to make
Oldie but a goodie eh bublonich, I love dry ice tek but im getting annoyed with having only 1 local supplier so I get cranky if im not processing nugs or upwards of a pound. It cost me 30 bux minimum order so no nipping off to the convenience store for 1 pound of ice. I've ended up using super frozen stainless steel whiskey cubes, but I keep a co2 fire extinguisher around if I need an instant pound or two then the thing needs refilling. Since back when you shot the vid have you found that breaking up the dry ice yields higher per color gradation because it's breaking trich's faster than it's smashing material? They once sold me it in smooth pellet form and I found it took forever to break up the nugs but when i smash up blocks the odd shapes do a faster job.

I now use my own home brew version of one of these.
I stretch the bubble bag's i have nice and tight to equate to a classical screen and stack all my bags in multiple buckets so the whole deal get's sifted into the 70/160/220 rations in one go with no elbow grease. I use to try going nuts and adding the 43 micron but I think im loosing too much to side walls and what not with 3 bags. I spray down everything after each run and collect the etoh in a pyrex for filtering purging so I guess I get it all but it always makes brown shatter.
Iv only really used the block dry ice that I just drop on the floor to break up..but i have tryd to reuse the smaller pieces after a extraction and like u said it dosent seem to work as well...but I don't like to use multiple screens cause i think if you allow it to freeze before u agitate the trichs fall off way faster than the material breaks down, so time of agitation is pretty useful in separating trich from plant matter""... this is with fresh material tho, dosent seem to work as well with dry... but I'm sure multiple screens is better...good idea to use the etho to clean up, I'm gonna have to start doing that
Smart to do dry ice with fresh trims but you cannot produce the highest quality that way. Don't get me wrong your first pass is good even very good for dry ice work but you are still beating your trims quite hard, you should try gentle and see what you get.
Thanks frenchy, seen your cannolis in another thread, look unreal dank, always nice to get some advice from one of the masters, ill try a less aggressive agitation next time
frenchie I agree, I think i posted in this or another thread how im using the vibration of the machine to isolate the trich's from the chaff but it's a limited luck scenario. Im in all truth solvent extracting the different grades of kief into different grades of oil. You can thank me overhearing a background comment of frenchie saying he cleans his bags with alcohol between runs in a subcool video. I presumed it was for evaping off for oil so I didn't think about it I just did it! but I realize I was watching a water hash video I think so it must of just been cleanup. Because im faking my way to a rigid screen method with the tight bubble bags I get a fair degree of condensation at each level so i let the bags dry out to sticky kief before i do the "medibles" bag run. I honestly all to many times dabbed it and it's fantastic but I already have 3 grades of oil so the 4th im setting aside for subliguals. I got a gram of bagwash shatter back after kiefing only 2 ounces of flower which yielded 11 grams of oil.
Yeah they did.. Luckily I saved the link if you want it. Not sure if I can post it here if they removed it I guess..

oh ive got it, its all over the internet... just find it kinda fucked up how they erased it. it was a good tut.

sure we busted drysifts ass when he wast sharing... then he shared it all and someone erased it. which dumb fuck did that?
oh ive got it, its all over the internet... just find it kinda fucked up how they erased it. it was a good tut.

sure we busted drysifts ass when he wast sharing... then he shared it all and someone erased it. which dumb fuck did that?

I agree, they should have kept the tutorial up it was pretty good. Might not agree with what he said or acted but he did have knowledge..