Best way to quick dry weed?


Hey guys i've harvested one of my plants as im out and I really can't wait for a week or so for it to dry naturally.
So i was wondering in all your experiences what is the best way i can quick dry about 5 grams for tomorow without make iit taste horrible, and leaving the "high" effect?

I was thinking either hair dryer/microwave/powerful light would be the best? What do you lot think?


Well-Known Member
Microwave and tupperware. Dry paper towel on the bottom, bud on that. Wet paper towel over the top and the lid over that to hold in place. LEAVE ONE CORNER WELL UP! Microwave at power level 4 (or 40%) for 1 minute. Remove and remove the lid and towel. It won't be anywhere near dry. Repeat. The second time remove the bud and replace the dry towel using the old one to dry the moisture from the walls of the tupperware. Reline and repeat. Slow but tightens the buds and keeps the smell!!!!

Don't be a moron and add "a little more time" or overdry it.


Well-Known Member
You can test it even if it's fresh cut. Make a vaporizer. Light bulbs suck tho, get that thing where you put a candle below and on top you can vaporize oils, put somehting over, make a hole, put a straw there, light the candle, whoillaa, no drying, good taste, gets you high.
Otherwise, the microwave works and other methods too, but tastes too much like ass, so I personally can't even smoke that.


Well-Known Member
Niether will remove chloriform, nasty stuff that fucks up your high.

But if i want to quick dry overnight try your boiler or back of TV in something like an envelope.
and give it a shake .

If you use the microwave your changeing the physical chemo type of cannabis and it degrades a big amount, The same with light.