I have been fast drying bud for a while because I always pick the bottom buds(popcorn buds) through out flowering so must of the bud mass is at the ends of the branches and not the bottom, it seems to really fatten up the upper bud formations but, anyway, I've tried the microwave drying several different ways,i've set the toaster on low and wait for it to pop up and then sit bud on foil and sit the foil on top of the toaster, I've put bud in cardboard boxes and had a fan blowing on them, I've done the oven drying and many other methods. The microwave is the fastest method but, it always taste and smells bad IMO, The box and fan is the longest method taking a day or two but, you dont lose much taste or smell and the high is still there, my preferred method is drying in the oven. It takes about 40-120 mins and the bud taste and smells fine with no noticeable lose of THC. I put the oven on the lowest sitting, mine goes down to 170 degrees, I let it preheat and then turn off the oven, leaving the door closed. I cut the leaves off the bud and cut the bud into smaller pieces if they are larger buds, I put them on a paper towel on a oven safe plate and then put the plate in the oven, with the door closed, for 20 min intervals turning the bud every 20 mins and checking to see how dry they are. I like to get them pretty crisp and then carefully put them in a zip lock bag (leave some air in the bag so the bud doesnt get smashed) leave it in the bag for about 30-60 mins, this lets the moisture move from the center of the bud to the outside of the bud and evenly burn when you roll it. If the buds are two wet after pulling them out of the bag set them on a paper towel in open air until they dry to where u want them. If they are really damp after pulling them out put them back in the oven but for 5 min intervals because they will dry really quickly since the middle isnt as moist. It takes some practice to get it down but, over all it takes me 1-2 hrs and most people can't tell that it was quick dried at all. If you have more than you are going to smoke in a day, I put the bud in a bag or jar and burp it just like you would if your were curing it. Hope this helps. If you want more detail on the other methods let me know.