Best way to sneak 2gs to and 6th from Edmonton, Canada to Houston, TX?

lol mailing it, wow you a bright one.
Hope you don't get nailed, they catch fools here all the time trying that shit.
Mailed it august 6th
Passed through customs august 7th
Reached my house on august 12th

Now I got some canadian dank to puff on back in houston before i head off to texas state university.


Well-Known Member
hey man I'm glad it worked out for ya, that's great.

I wouldn't do it, but ya know plp cook up meth 2 and I wouldn't do that.

I would mail weed way b4 foolin with that other shit tho


Well-Known Member
i almost mailed weed once for my sister when i was in cali.

i was going to put an oz in a jar of peanut butter with the peanut butter still in there.

she never wired me the money though so oh well her loss...


Well-Known Member
yeahI always pack it on my somewhere. I keep a backpack, BUT clean with normal type shit in it, they think drugs are in there
NOPE. lol

Gotta get creative, I wont discuss all my methods.
Im not into not having control of my good tho, so mail is a no go in my rules, but hey good deal for you.