Best Way to Start Seeds??


Well-Known Member
OK, I know this is likely to cause a load of debate but I have to ask what everyones ideas of the best way to start seeds. I personally have tried seeds in ph balanced water, the paper towel method, and just placing the seeds in root riot cubes and placing them onto a heated propogation tray. Personally the latter has had the best results for me for starting seeds but hasn't given the greatest results in stopping stretching. If there any other methods people have had luck with I would like to know. I am tired of buying quality, expensive seeds and not being able to yeild as many plants as i would like to. :?::wall:


Active Member
i use the paper towel method and it seems to work most of the time.

but stretching is not because of the way you are germinating its because you dont have enough light on them

mr west

Well-Known Member
I just bury my seeeds bout a cm down in a pre soaked jiffy pellent and in bout 48-72 hrs they are up and lovin the light.


Well-Known Member
I like to place mine ON TOP OF a couple of wet paper towels and cover the dish with a single layer of saran wrap < plastic wrap > creating a mini greenhouse. Then this goes into my utility <hot water heater> closet for warmth w/o overheating them. Beside the water heater not on top of it. Beans are easy to inspect and don't cook, usually crack in a day or two, then into cups or flats. Seeds Point up, flat button down. Seed point up, flat bottom down.


Well-Known Member
I prefer just sticking em in soil about 1cm - 1.5 cm down.

Best way to do it, pre-soak soil, measure of 1cm or so on end of pencil & mark with a pen knife or something. Push end of pencil in the pre-soaked soil, then just drop in seed, dust soil back over and give a quick mist.

Remember not to saturate soil, let soil dry out. Keep soil moist.

Paper towel method is ok as well, however I find for me it's just to much fannying around and I am a bit heavy handed, so I am always paranoid about snapping tap root when transplanting to soil.

Jiffy pellets etc are all good too.

Just all down to what works/works best for each individual I find.

Good luck mate :)


Active Member
i use the paper towel method , its just fine for me .
also , stretching is due to lack of light . the light is too far so the plant stretches to get himself closer .

damn that font Color really hurt my eyes , can u switch the color next time ?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
in a small plate put wet (not soaking) paper towel, put seeds on top and put all of that in a zip bag.
put that bag on top of your modem, fridge, TV, or whatever you have to keep them around 23c.


i just try the wet towel method in a zip lock bag..and threw it in a storage room that no vent in there.. been 18 hours and no roots yet =( .. i hope it sprout soon..or i will have to take alternative approach..



Well-Known Member
thanks for all the responses.

slabhead: I just used your method with some really nice seeds i got from and they opened up in less than 30 hours sitting on my propagation heating pad. I layed 5 out to try this way and all five cracked. Great!!!!!! Thanks

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I put mine in a glass of water on top of my water heater.

Sprouts in 18-24 hours, take a spoon and scoop them out of the water, then put them in a jiffy pellet or rockwool or a rapid rooter.

100% success, couldn't be simpler.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the responses.

slabhead: I just used your method with some really nice seeds i got from and they opened up in less than 30 hours sitting on my propagation heating pad. I layed 5 out to try this way and all five cracked. Great!!!!!! Thanks
Awesome IrishDoc, I've been doing it that way for decades. Good luck with your grow :leaf: