Best Way to tranfer weed safely internationally


Well-Known Member
damm thats a little long for me lol

go and buy some seeds dont be a fool and bring weed back bring seeds back instead


Active Member
If you are seriously considering bringing some home this is what I would suggest. Now Fist and foremost you need to accept the fact that if you get caught there is no two ways about it you WILL be charged will drug smuggling. Now that that is out of the way here is what you will need to do.

1. Pre-roll them into joints, this will condense the bulkiness of your stash.
2. Once rolled neatly arrange them in a Zip top bag and suck all the air out.
3. Once the bag has been closed wash the outside of the bag with a bath in dish soap water.
4. After it has dried roll it up and place in into another Zip top bag and repeat step 3.
5. Now that you have a clean non smelling bag the dogs wont smell it. You should now place it in the bottom of a box of something that you bought from over there and place the object over the top. Close the box and place with your other souvenirs in your checked luggage.
6. By now means do not carry it on with you. Almost all mules are busted because they carried it on them and when they search you it is found. most checked luggage never gets searched by hand.
7. Lastly and second most important act casual and don't be so paranoid. PARANOIA is what busts people.


Well-Known Member
true dat, paranoia is a smugglers worst enemy!!

watch those customs reality tv shows (we have em in australia not sure about elsewhere) where they bust peopel for bringing shit in, and dont do what the do and your on the right track :P


Well-Known Member
Best way to smuggle the stuff in. Take a plastic baggie....Put joints, seeds whatever in it. Smear the outside with scent eliminator. They sell the stuff at places like walmart, Outdoor world, etc. Hunters use it to cover their scent when deerhunting. Then put it inside another baggie and tuck away into the folds of your suitcase....God help you if the airport loses your luggage though :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i like ericdawsons idea it is pretty good and i agree with u paranoia gets u ed over. also pretender said basically the same thing but it also sounds pretty good


Well-Known Member
i like ericdawsons idea it is pretty good and i agree with u paranoia gets u ed over. also pretender said basically the same thing but it also sounds pretty good
I like richarddawsons post too...its just that it doesn't sound as if he's taking into account the sharpness of the noses of some of those dogs (no offense intended to him). The reason I suggest scent eliminator is that it's designed to render humans scentless to deer, whose noses are just as good as dogs if not ideal for smuggling applications where one needs to fool the noses of dogs


Well-Known Member
yeah i kno at the schools there they have drug tests randomly for all middle school and up kids so that they dont get inrouble with the police cause getting caught by the school is so much better
YO! straight up.. safest way I've found.. grind it all up.. put it in a ziploc... take all the air out.. then put it in an envelope, seal it up good. Then you mail it to yourself... with no return adress, so if anyone finds it, you cant get fucked. No joke. I've done it before.


Well-Known Member
Just roll them up into joints, get a pack of cigarettes, remove all but 5 cigarettes. Put joints in and then the last 5 cigarettes. Might not work if you got some really stanky shit.

You can't fool the drug dogs. Good dogs can alert on 1 ounce of Cocaine in the middle of 500,000 gallons of diesel fuel. Dogs olfactory sense does not work like yours and mine at all. When you put carrots, meat, potatoes, seasoning, carrots all into a crockpot you smell stew when its all cooked, but the dog smells every individual item still. You can't fool them, the best you can do is avoid them.