Best way to turn old shatter into edibles?


Active Member
I've never used shatter to make edibles personally. Im more of a distillate kinda guy being dosing seems easiest and always makes potent treats. I have around 4-5 grams of really old shatter that I want to turn into edibles. If making butter would I just add the shatter to the butter/olive oil and let simmer for say 20-30mins in order to decarb? Im guessing on the low end each gram is around 400-500mg as its not top quality? Any other fun ideas to make edibles with this stuff?
I've never used shatter to make edibles personally. Im more of a distillate kinda guy being dosing seems easiest and always makes potent treats. I have around 4-5 grams of really old shatter that I want to turn into edibles. If making butter would I just add the shatter to the butter/olive oil and let simmer for say 20-30mins in order to decarb? Im guessing on the low end each gram is around 400-500mg as its not top quality? Any other fun ideas to make edibles with this stuff?
I have been trying to find this exact info... seems people are all over the place though on opinions. My first try was to add the shatter to some coco nut oil in a sealed mason jar and put that in a water bath in a crock pot for 4ish hours... was told this is impractical and to just heat the stuff until the bubbles stop and that will be de carbed?
I've never used shatter to make edibles personally. Im more of a distillate kinda guy being dosing seems easiest and always makes potent treats. I have around 4-5 grams of really old shatter that I want to turn into edibles. If making butter would I just add the shatter to the butter/olive oil and let simmer for say 20-30mins in order to decarb? Im guessing on the low end each gram is around 400-500mg as its not top quality? Any other fun ideas to make edibles with this stuff?

You've got the general idea simmer in the butter to dissolve it. Depending on what type of edibles you're making the decarb isn't hugely important. If the edibles are gonna get cooked like cookies or brownies then you'll be good to go.

When I make candy, I dissolve the concentrate into a tiny amount of ethanol and add that to the hot candy mix and the concentrate stays in the mix, while the alcohol just evaps out.
You've got the general idea simmer in the butter to dissolve it. Depending on what type of edibles you're making the decarb isn't hugely important. If the edibles are gonna get cooked like cookies or brownies then you'll be good to go.

When I make candy, I dissolve the concentrate into a tiny amount of ethanol and add that to the hot candy mix and the concentrate stays in the mix, while the alcohol just evaps out.
When making gummies I dont really heat it for that long... but you are saying that alone is enough to de carb? There is another thread where people have been going back and forth on weather or the cooking process alone with decarb. I am just trying to learn the most effective way and seems like (as with growing itself) there are many different ways to get a similar result.
When making gummies I dont really heat it for that long... but you are saying that alone is enough to de carb? There is another thread where people have been going back and forth on weather or the cooking process alone with decarb. I am just trying to learn the most effective way and seems like (as with growing itself) there are many different ways to get a similar result.

I never do a decarb step when I make gummies and they are always very effective :). I'm not trying to debate any of it, just sharing what I do. I add the alcohol mix right near the end when the mix is the hottest, and give it a couple stirs then turn off the heat and get ready to pour the candy.

If you want to really ensure they are as strong as activated as possible you could totally use heat to decarb first though, it would only take an extra half hour or so I imagine. I personally would only bother with this for making candies though because like you said they don't cook long.
I never do a decarb step when I make gummies and they are always very effective :). I'm not trying to debate any of it, just sharing what I do. I add the alcohol mix right near the end when the mix is the hottest, and give it a couple stirs then turn off the heat and get ready to pour the candy.

If you want to really ensure they are as strong as activated as possible you could totally use heat to decarb first though, it would only take an extra half hour or so I imagine. I personally would only bother with this for making candies though because like you said they don't cook long.
yeah yeah not trying to debate anything man I am not in a place where I CAN debate since I am still learning what the correct process is. My experience with edibles is basically just making brownies with some shwag back in the day since they did not do much I steered away from them for years. But sounds like the gummies I made should be effective then even if just micro doses for now lol.... last question on this and this may not be answerable.. what do you think the thc % is in a third wash qwiso oil (I have been using the tech you had posted on other threads and making gummies with that third wash oil). just trying to get a better gauge of potency per gummie.
I can't give you an exact number on THC % for the extracts. I do know that I've only made edibles with good a grade oil once. Otherwise I always use C grade, or reclaim which works great too, maybe because its so well decarbed??

You could set your concetrate on a coffee pot warmer for a while and let it decarb some like that.
I can't give you an exact number on THC % for the extracts. I do know that I've only made edibles with good a grade oil once. Otherwise I always use C grade, or reclaim which works great too, maybe because its so well decarbed??

You could set your concetrate on a coffee pot warmer for a while and let it decarb some like that.
Yeah so far this is my first rodeo making any edible out of oil of any kind.... maybe I will just have to google approximations of shatter %'s or something lol just trying to get a ball park. Thanks for all your insights!!
I've never used shatter to make edibles personally. Im more of a distillate kinda guy being dosing seems easiest and always makes potent treats. I have around 4-5 grams of really old shatter that I want to turn into edibles. If making butter would I just add the shatter to the butter/olive oil and let simmer for say 20-30mins in order to decarb? Im guessing on the low end each gram is around 400-500mg as its not top quality? Any other fun ideas to make edibles with this stuff?

If it's really old it's already de-carbed. Decarboxilation happens more slowly at lower temps, but still takes place.

If you melt it in some butter or coconut oil or VG youll be golden. :bigjoint:

Melt a big box of gummies down into one huge gummy haha, always wanted to do that
Thank you all for the replies. So after a bunch of research I ended up decarbing for 20mins at 200, then added it to a tbls of coconut oil and dissolved. I added that mixture to some melted chocolate. Made some mini peanut butter pretzel sandwiches, then dipped them in the infused chocolate. I roughly did the math to what I thought it was which came out to around 5-7mg per piece. I ate a few the next day and got a nice mellow buzz. The next day I ate 5 and had a nicer buzz. But no where near as intense as I'd hoped for. The shatter was really dark and low quality.

This past year it's amazing how fast Im seeing shatter being replaced with rosin. It used to be everywhere, now I barely see it. Distillate still is in my eyes the easiest and most effective way to make edibles and or to eat raw and get shot into space for hours with such an intense high. I used to squeeze straight from the dart onto my tongue and get lit for hours on end. Im so over making edibles out of flower, stinking up the whole place, then having to strain, ect.
The reason why you got medicated more with disty is..

Disty is fully decarbd already
Disty is/should be 85%+ thc

Edibles are easy, I used to make hundreds monthly
I just bought some Cocoa Butter for this reason. I'm squishing so I dissolve the squish into some of this cocoa butter
and let it decarb on a coffee warmer. The result is a bit nicer to mix into chocolate etc than butter. But you could just dissolve that shatter into any oil or butter that you have. Just keep in mind what you'll be using it for as that sometimes matters.
So I was looking online and saw this recipe... could I just add some infused coconut oil to this and some mct oil for emulsion and be good to go? Any one have ideas one how much oil and mct I would use? Any help would be awesome!

2 cups sugar
1 and 1/3 cups applesauce
6 oz. Jello
4 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1 teaspoon lemon juice
So I was looking online and saw this recipe... could I just add some infused coconut oil to this and some mct oil for emulsion and be good to go? Any one have ideas one how much oil and mct I would use? Any help would be awesome!

2 cups sugar
1 and 1/3 cups applesauce
6 oz. Jello
4 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Gelatin is great! Just add your decarbed concentrate to the gelatin/jello portion of the recipe. Infused coconut oil counts as a concentrate and will work fine (tincture or non infused concentrate is what's typically used and mixes a bit better).

Gelatin works as an emulsifier, you can add MCT oil but it's not needed as an emulsifier, imo.

How many pieces the dish eventually gets divided into, and how heavy the dose you want per piece, will determine the amount of concentrate to use. If you take 1 ml of the infused cannabis now as a dose, then I'd calculate how many pieces you're going to cut the final dish into, and then add the appropriate amount of concentrate to accommodate that. If you poured into a 15 mold station, and you normally eat 1ml of oil for a dose then I'd add 15ml of coconut oil to the recipe, so each individual mold/piece would be containing 1ml of infused coconut oil.

Here's another quick link.. Mmmm (wine + THC) gummies...
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Gelatin is great! Just add your decarbed concentrate to the gelatin/jello portion of the recipe. Infused coconut oil counts as a concentrate and will work fine (tincture or non infused concentrate is what's typically used and mixes a bit better).

Gelatin works as an emulsifier, you can add MCT oil but it's not needed as an emulsifier, imo.

How many pieces the dish eventually gets divided into, and how heavy the dose you want per piece, will determine the amount of concentrate to use. If you take 1 ml of the infused cannabis now as a dose, then I'd calculate how many pieces you're going to cut the final dish into, and then add the appropriate amount of concentrate to accommodate that. If you poured into a 15 mold station, and you normally eat 1ml of oil for a dose then I'd add 15ml of coconut oil to the recipe, so each individual mold/piece would be containing 1ml of infused coconut oil.

Here's another quick link.. Mmmm (wine + THC) gummies...
Well I am using shatter that I make using the qwiso method (just using my third run wash for edibles atm) so if you think I can just de carb a f or so of that and then add it right to the mix? But... I think my issue there is I need to dissolve the shatter first (hence the coconut oil). That recipe below looks awesome and I will FOR SURE be trying it!!! I am such a noob to these gummies but I have a friend that legit says they are better r then her pain meds so I want to really refine my recipe.
Well I am using shatter that I make using the qwiso method (just using my third run wash for edibles atm) so if you think I can just de carb a f or so of that and then add it right to the mix? But... I think my issue there is I need to dissolve the shatter first (hence the coconut oil). That recipe below looks awesome and I will FOR SURE be trying it!!! I am such a noob to these gummies but I have a friend that legit says they are better r then her pain meds so I want to really refine my recipe.
After it's decarbed it should be runny because it's still warm, pour it into the hot jello/gelatin mixture then and stir it up. You can add a bit of ETOH to keep the decarbed shatter runny, but if I remember correctly I just threw it in while it was warm as-is. The jello/gelatin was also hot/warm too (just took the water off the hot stove and added gelatin packets, oil, ect). Infused coconut oil works too I'm told so if you wanted to use coconut oil, go for it!

Also, you can do the easy mans gummie bears by just buying a big box of fruit snacks and then melting them in the microwave or over the stove and adding your oil into the melted glob that way. Works fine. Colors blend and look crappy but you could get just one color ect.. I like eating 1 giant gummy globule, but that's just me lol :bigjoint: