Salmonella's guide to using fan leaves for edibles.

This guide is meant for beginners, yall experienced boys probably knew all of this.

Hey guys. I've read so many threads that said "Fan leaves are useless, use them for compost/ throw them away". And haven't seen a guide to extract THC out of fan leaves using just butter. (There is one, using high proof alcohol to cold extract the THC. )

I, a cheap fuck™ ,use it to get some potent cannabutter.

Fan leaves don't have THC content that the buds have, but they do got some. If you concentrate it enough you can get real good edibles out of it.
Some will say ,it's not worth the time or the butter produced will smell like chlorophyll, in my experience I haven't noticed any difference. Trust me it's worth the time.

Making them butters
1. After harvesting a female plant or after you found out you have a male plant seperate fan leaves only (*NO STEMS, Cut as much stem as possible from your leaf) (**you can incorporate sugar leaves also)
2. You can use the leafs wet or dried doesn't matter
3. Decarb in oven 110 °C (230 °F) for 40 minutes
4. Grab some butter. Use half the amount butter you use if you were making it with buds. (THC is really low , we gotta use less butter to concentrate it more)
5. Throw the decarb leaves into a pot with butter, add water (water to butter ratio is 1:1) put the heat on until the butter is at a slow simmer. Stir every 5 minutes for 1 hour. Topping the water as needed.
6. Put the finished product into fridge, wait for the butter to harden then separate from water. You'll get some really green Cannabutter and smells a little like chlorophyll. Use it to make brownies cookies whatever the vanilla extract or cocoa smell will mask the leafy smell.

How much leaves should I use?
Depends on the strain.I used all leaf from a whole plant (AK49) after harvest probably around 30-40gs dried to 125g butter to make some strong brownies.
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Meh. Personally I'm finding that there is 'good stuff'™ other than the soluable THC in leaves. My mixture uses both oil and alcohol as a solvent but I find when I dip into the goo at the bottom of the jar it has a different effect.