that 420 scope looks badass. i have a 40x jewelers loupe but i don't like it much, so i ordered from a 160x-200x microscope for about ten bucks. hopefully it'll come in this week. i got it at such a strength so i can view individual trichomes a little better, though the 40x suffices.
mcpskills2000, do you mean which part of the plant you should view the trichomes? i use the leaves covered in glands as well as the bud itself to make an inference. i try to view as many of the heavy clusters of trichomes as i can, wherever they appear. the best way to get an accurate percentage of ripened trichomes is to compare as many as possible. one out of five ripe trichomes versus one out of fifty is a huge difference, so that's why it's good to look at several different places.