Well-Known Member
Cheers, that one issue is a bitch, I've researched it and tried a few things, had every test they could come up with other than surgery which is risky and no guarantee, all experimental. Anything other than Pharma meds which they're more than willing to prescribe but it's more like "try this and let us know if it works", I'm not an f*kng guinea pig is my answer. But like anything else, you adapt and carry on, eventually you get used to living with whatever pops up. When it's bad, there's always getting really high, take one or two of those coco oil pills and smoke one - lol
I even tried Pycnogenol in a few different doses, it does shit for me, although they claim it's helped some people with tinnitus. It's pine bark extract from a specific type of pine tree that only grows in the south of France, who ever came up with this shit? lol
I was a guinea pig for big pharma when I was a teenager.
None of that shit worked.
Marijuana saved my life.