Better lighting setup.


Active Member
I posted another thread on her labeled life cycle that has more information, but I wanted to repost to get people attention about the upgrades i made to my grow room. For those who don't know unfoprtuhnatly my babies are between 5-8 weeks old.

originally I had 2 fluorescent bulbs (ok I know...) one was 4 ft and the other 6ft. That was or would be fine for germination stage but not at we're I am now

so I went out and bought a 200 watt incandescent thinking that it was closer to what I needed because of the watts... Well it wasn't and I got shit for that too. So I almost bought a 35$ halogen bulb thinking it was a 400 watt hid light... But it's Lao crap and not a hid light so I was gettin frusterated..

not having lots of money I went and took down a light track I wasn't using and installed two more light sockets on the end of it, this allowed me to have 5 totolal lights. In those lights I placed

4 40 watt 1600 cfl bulbs and 1 100watt grow bulb with blue spectrum shield. The grow bulb is in the center of the line up and the others are 2 on each side of the grow bulb in a line.

Just having the extra lights wasn't enough so I aloso switched out the soil with fresh soil and perlite, a 60-40 mix so that the plants had a faster better drainage and I could allow for more water feeding. Transplanting the plants went increadbly well because I did it right before bed and now they look fantastic no damage or dropping at all.

i didn't have plant food, still waiting on dyna grow to come in the mail but I used an imeadiate fast acting plant food that was recomended by the local farmer market, mirical grow plant spikes.
Each plant got one spike and it should last 3 weeks but ill have the dyna grow before than.

hope everyone from the last post sees this cause I'd like to know how you feel about the changes I made


Well-Known Member
I think you'll see some faster growth with the improvements bud. Well done on the transplants, I agree it shouldn't be too painful if done carefully, I'll be keeping an eye out for updates!!!;-)


Active Member
Thanks I'm happy to hear that considering the slander I have relieved before lol. But I will always continue to post updates as progress happens. And one of my plants has 7 leaves off one nod witch means its really happy! Thwe others are between 3-6 leaves so they are getting there


Well-Known Member
Mate just keep your head held high. Don't worry about that, you are doing your best, remember if people have that bad attitude or whatever that's just their own issues.


Active Member
I agree I have already seen you come along way from your first few posts. Keep reading and keep learning....there are no dumb questions, don't be afraid to ask. Personally I would ditch those miracle grow spikes asap. Your young plants will not require feeding yet and when you do get your DG nutes it will only complicate things and possibly cause salt build up and over feeding. Also get a good watering system down, feel the pots when they are very dry and when they are wet....this will give you a good indication. I will assume these pics were taken right after a water soil looks very moist. Don't over water and don't over feed.....


Active Member
Pictures are right after transplanting so yea I had to water them the soil was dry as hell, and the plants are 8 weeks old so they are not so much babies anymore if I don't give them food now I'm afraid they won't make it. I plan to remove spikes and do a light flush before adding the dg so that I not over doing nutrients. And thanks I appreciate the compliment on my learning, I really want what's best for the babies, had no idea growing was intense. Nothing like outdoor growing.


Active Member
Money is a problem.. I already had cfls lying around and the grow bulb was 5 bucks the track came off my wall I never use it and the sockets I already had so I turned a bad situation good as it can get.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Keep it up and keep learning. Save your pennies up and get real lights and ventilation. Stick to it as it is the most enjoyable and spiritually enlightening thing I have ever done is grow these awesome green spirits.


Active Member
I love the idea of smoking something I made and I can only get better with time and the better I am the better the buds will be. I want to create my own cross bread and have a weed all my own and call it after me and my friend.. But that's a long ways away. For now ill just do what I can

Kite High

Well-Known Member
sure ll grow you something...just pay attention to the plants dude...let them tell you what to do...they will you just gotta learn how they tell tyou

light green more food....dark green less food...thats a starter


Active Member
They are looking good at the moment, probably going to lower the light a little more the leaves are reaching up a little I think it's about 5 inches right now going to go for 3 inches not much of a change but hope it helps


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of smoking something I made and I can only get better with time and the better I am the better the buds will be... For now ill just do what I can
Nice work. It's all trial and error and living within your budget.

The reward will be smoking your own harvest in a few months. There is nothing better. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I posted another thread on her labeled life cycle that has more information, but I wanted to repost to get people attention about the upgrades i made to my grow room. For those who don't know unfoprtuhnatly my babies are between 5-8 weeks old.

originally I had 2 fluorescent bulbs (ok I know...) one was 4 ft and the other 6ft. That was or would be fine for germination stage but not at we're I am now

so I went out and bought a 200 watt incandescent thinking that it was closer to what I needed because of the watts... Well it wasn't and I got shit for that too. So I almost bought a 35$ halogen bulb thinking it was a 400 watt hid light... But it's Lao crap and not a hid light so I was gettin frusterated..

not having lots of money I went and took down a light track I wasn't using and installed two more light sockets on the end of it, this allowed me to have 5 totolal lights. In those lights I placed

4 40 watt 1600 cfl bulbs and 1 100watt grow bulb with blue spectrum shield. The grow bulb is in the center of the line up and the others are 2 on each side of the grow bulb in a line.

Just having the extra lights wasn't enough so I aloso switched out the soil with fresh soil and perlite, a 60-40 mix so that the plants had a faster better drainage and I could allow for more water feeding. Transplanting the plants went increadbly well because I did it right before bed and now they look fantastic no damage or dropping at all.

i didn't have plant food, still waiting on dyna grow to come in the mail but I used an imeadiate fast acting plant food that was recomended by the local farmer market, mirical grow plant spikes.
Each plant got one spike and it should last 3 weeks but ill have the dyna grow before than.

hope everyone from the last post sees this cause I'd like to know how you feel about the changes I made
im just getting in this. The one bulb looks like a flood light,those things throw off tons of heat. I would swap it with another. Also, the light looks like 2700k spectrum while that is fine, 6500k is better for veg growth 2700k for veg. It also looks like they are stretching a bit, move the light close as you can get without burn. Have a light breeze to strengthen the stems

i also want to add, with the light breeze it should blow the heat from the lights off the plants



Active Member
The bulb is actually a certified 100 watt grow bulb with 3500k and blue spectrum shield, not a flood light, and I did lower the light the stretching is from the first 5 weeks growth. The stems have fattened up since and I have a fun blowing towards them but not directly on them. I'm working with what I got for now but replacing all cfls with grow bulbs eventually making 500 watts total with 17500k


Well-Known Member
The bulb is actually a certified 100 watt grow bulb with 3500k and blue spectrum shield, not a flood light, and I did lower the light the stretching is from the first 5 weeks growth. The stems have fattened up since and I have a fun blowing towards them but not directly on them. I'm working with what I got for now but replacing all cfls with grow bulbs eventually making 500 watts total with 17500k
Good luck . If you upgrade when you can. It helps during flowering.

the plants in the pic are in 1 gallon pots. Still in veg, had to use hps bulb cuz mh conversion blew if u look at my other post lol


Active Member
Good luck . If you upgrade when you can. It helps during flowering.

the plants in the pic are in 1 gallon pots. Still in veg, had to use hps bulb cuz mh conversion blew if u look at my other post lol
Yea I defiantly will upgrade ASAP I k ow the importance of it and forgot to add the lights are 3 inches above the plants I have new pictures ill upload them shortly


Well-Known Member
Well, you seem to be going on the right track. Still not too great, but hey, they're still alive. Feel free to lower the light down to 2 inches and put any kind of a fan to blow the heat off. Be careful with the miracle grow, it's easy to over-fertilize. And if you plan to do all the grow indoors, remember you'll need more lights for flowering.