better pics of my plants


Active Member
ok, i 'm no photographer and my camera is not a SLR, but maybe these pics can help us figure out of one of my plants is an indica. on the 2nd pic, the sativa is on the left and the one i think is an indica is on the right.. the third pic is a close up of what i think might be the indica plant. All the rest are sativas, maybe commercial grade mex or jamaican.
I'm hoping the crop comes out better than commercial grade. lasts years crop was not bad, but the buds were not tight. i started these seeds in april, put them out side in may, and they have been in the ground for about 2 weeks nows. plants are all about 3 months old. i usually i grow from seeds i find in the few bags i actually buy, but after seeing pics of buds in here, i might go the seeds from holland route and try to grow me some good stuff, not this redneck schwag that i've gotten used to




ok, i 'm no photographer and my camera is not a SLR, but maybe these pics can help us figure out of one of my plants is an indica. on the 2nd pic, the sativa is on the left and the one i think is an indica is on the right.. the third pic is a close up of what i think might be the indica plant. All the rest are sativas, maybe commercial grade mex or jamaican.
I'm hoping the crop comes out better than commercial grade. lasts years crop was not bad, but the buds were not tight. i started these seeds in april, put them out side in may, and they have been in the ground for about 2 weeks nows. plants are all about 3 months old. i usually i grow from seeds i find in the few bags i actually buy, but after seeing pics of buds in here, i might go the seeds from holland route and try to grow me some good stuff, not this redneck schwag that i've gotten used to

i dont see any indicas there they all look like mex sativas i got some growing outside to cuzz i didnt have any better seed stock early in the grow season. they will turn out loads better then the weed they came from, but not has good has top shelf genetics