Better Results inside than out???


Decided let the sun do the work instead of my Electricity..

But out of the 4 Moms I put out to pasture, 1 died and 3 others seem to not be flourishing at all!

Used good soil and they are getting plenty of light.
I know it takes some time for them to acclimate but its been over 3 weeks and still... Nothing

Any Words of Wisdom??


Well-Known Member
not a lot of detail here. Are your plants in the ground or in buckets? whats the weather been like, are u watering them? and posting pictures helps a lot!

it seems odd that in 3 weeks they haven't been growing much..sound like they are in some major shock.


Not really any cold nights! Used some super soil under them and a mix of Promix and Mushroom Compost around the sides and for fill. Just had a week of 85deg days without a cloud in the sky!
Watered them once with FF Grow Big.
Huh!! Well hopefully the recover! never thought there would be an issue putting them out in the sun! They were all really healthy when they went out


Well-Known Member
Well, dropping it straight into the ground, in full sunlight is alot of stress. You have watered other than the feed, right? Any visible problems with the plant?


Well-Known Member
Hmm...doesn't sound very good...and not because they are outside...something somewhere went wrong...


Well-Known Member
Wait wait say you set them on top of super soil then filled in the sides with mushroom compost and whatever...and then you watered with more fertilizer? I would say they are suffering a little nute shock... I mean that is a lot to throw on a plant...


Active Member
hardening them off is gradually introducing them to the sun. if you dont do this it will shock them and possibly depending on the severity flat kill them. in order to achieve this you must put them outside in the sun fo ra short amount of time at first. i start with 20 min full sun. then after a few days of this i move it up to 35-40 for a few more days then i go up to 1 hour for a few more days then i start tripling the amount of time so from 1 hr to 3 hrs then 6 then 12. i let them get each "dose" of sunlight for 3 consecutive days. my process takes just over two weeks. some may argue it takes too much time and all that. well maybe, but they dont go into shock when put out permantly and lose out on 2 weeks of veg time. thus giving me bushier, taller stronger plants come harvest.


Shit man, 3 weeks ago I put my plants outside and I never hardened them off. They havent grown but like maybe an inch!. All they did was grow out. How long do they stay in shock for? Also, I was told not to bring plants from outdoors in and you know, go back and forth. That would only bring bugs into my tents, right? How do I harden off if I know there is thrips out?


Well-Known Member
I've been seeing new growth since 2 days afer I put mine in the ground. I put them outside all day in shade for half the day, and sun the other half. Then dropped them in holes. My clones needed the hardening, the mothers just shook it right off though.


Well-Known Member
i had 8 autogrowers started on may 10th. after they were about 10 days old i started putting them in the sun, now it sounds like ive over done it and 2 of them are light stressed. Dont think it could be n e thing else, ive kept things pretty simple. The od thing to me is that out of these 8 autogrowers 2 are thriving, 2 are far behind and the other 4 are in the middle and doing just fine. What is surprising is that 1 of the thriving ones and 1 of the ones that are far behind are the 2 that are shocked. The tops are shrivled a bit on the 2, kind of like what happends to ur skin when u get old lol. What can i do?


Well-Known Member
try some superthrive
ive bin trying to get an answer for awhile about this so thanks, simple and makes sense, hav read superthrive can do alot for ur plant, makes it strong. ill have to see about getting some locally and a small amount, on a budget.


Well-Known Member
With the stress of moving outside which shouldn't be that bad and the fox farm grow big which could and probley your problem killing all of the microbiology and fungi which is feeding your plant and all the other plants in the woods don't feed anything synthetic/salt based no superthrive or anything like that u will actually destroy the soil in that area for a long time so not much will grow there thebest thing you can do is stay organic make some compost teas to help your micro life which feeds ur plants don't kill them you will have better buds with organic than synthetics good luck