Better to overdry than underdry??


Active Member
I cut down my plant a few days ago and nipped some of the buds to dry. They have been drying for 4 days now and I don't know if that is enough time for it to be complete dry. I want to cure it too but I don't know if it is too soon for me to cure it..

it doesn't smell like anything, the stems are snapping if you give them a good bend and the color is still dark green. It doesn't look like quality stuff yet because it kind of airy, not compact. however, it is pretty crispy in texture. I smoked a part of it and it has a grassy taste to it..

how long would it usually take to dry? The biggest wet bud i have hanging is only about 6 grams. Everything else is between 2 and 4 grams per bud. So would it take shorter time to dry?


please and thank you


Active Member
dosnt sound like you yielded much, is it premature , what color are the hairs.

it is better to overdry then underdry and suffer from mold. if it gets to dry throw a fan leave (biggest leaves on the plant) in with your bud in a jar to moisten up.
drying generally takes 6-15 days depending on strain,density of buds, the soil moisture before cutting etc id say you got another 3-5 days
HapPy ToKIn


Active Member
i yielded a little over 2oz wet. and the plant was in week 9 of flowering, hairs were amber so were trichs.

and i don't think it is suppose to have a grassy taste...
i'm gonna go ahead and dry it for another couple of days and cure it with an orange peel. hopefully that'll bring back a good taste or smell or something chracteristic of good herb!

thanks for the advice shane.


Well-Known Member
do not, i repeat, DO NOT worry if it still has a grassy taste to it at the moment. depending on the drying process you use, moisture content, and ect, once you get done letting it hang and put it in a jar, give it some time before you add something like an orange peel into the mix. someone please correct me if i'm wrong, once you jar it and start the cure, a general average is that it could take up to 2 weeks before the grassy smell and taste go away and it starts to smell like the herb we all know and love. i've even heard of people who end up curing for 4-6 weeks before the taste is finally all the way there, so for right now just have patience. adding a orange peel or something similar will do nothing but add in moisture that you're trying to get rid of in the first place. hang in there, it should be worth the wait.