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Youre lying through your teeth. just refund my money. all this bullshit about due process. you said yourself you missed the date. well that is unfortunate I am sorry but in that case i wish to cancel my orderr and get my money back.
That is the right thing for any business to do in this situation.

just to show the readers why i sttarted using bad words.
only after i poloitely asked for my money back anf got this answer:

hi there i have been asked to replie to any correspondence with yourself,in relation to your order ,your order was taken from sealed air tight stoarge foil bags and placed within a jiffy bag,this was then transported personally by david in his personal belongings,once an order is signed out it cannot and will not be returned to be resealed this is not our due process within Autoflor,only when it is proven beyond all doubt that there is an error on our behalf would an order be urgently re dispatched,i belive you have a personal greivance with David this is something i can not and will not help you with,you may not understand that everyone within the ranks of Autoflor is a volounter,and the staff work around their own jobs and personal lives,sometime unforseen circumstance dictate beyond out immediate control,we are not centralizes we work from different locations in several different countries,i can alay any fears you have with a quality product reaching you,please feel free to search around in regards to Autoflor non profit seedbank there is no negativity that we are currently aware of.,when purchasing Autoflor seeds at ONLY 1 Euro this is a symbolic act and not a straight forward monetary transaction,thus you are donating to out medical programme directly,,i hear have been maid aware in a an email overnight from david you would wish to try and tarnish the good name of Autolfor,,in some freindkly advice to yourself,the last person to try and evoke negative feelings towards Autolfor had a lot of backlash to cope with within the community,,so the freindly advice i would say to you is,,understand that with the best if intentions we aim to post as agreed,,,and also in relation to any kind of refund that is not within my remit im afraid,,and any refunds are dealt with within a 180 day remit which is standard practise...i have been informed that davis will personally post your package next monday before 12am to reach the address provided to him by not exceeing 1pm the following day to be tracked and singed afraid this is as much as i can help you with,i wish you a good day ,,,P...

and later i got this answer:

in response to your childish rants over being potentially scammed,, i have the personal numbers of Manuela,,Spannabis and Cannfest Lukasz if you need them,,both are personal long standing freinds of mine,,,in relation to blogs or posts on forums i also personally know most of the people who run the forums and pages and canna chat rooms,,maybe they would like to hear of your extreme behaviour and idle threats towards a medicinal association,,you say you are attempting to open a seedbank ,,i just came back from a few days ago,,,i am well regarded there,,would you like me to inform the correct people of your behaviour there ?????...would you also like for your name and the magazines name to be broadly mentioned and connected also with this type of behaviour ????? you have been told a few times by a few different people within Autoflor,,,your package will arrive next tuesday before 1pm at the address provided,,,,,nothing you will say or do in between those time will change that,,your little childish rants and kicking the walls wont change anything,,,,please feel fee to contact ANYONE you wish,,,,dont forget to show them your emails to me and our messages,,,,,,no further contact will be entered into with your childish little self,we do not get intimidated by little boys and their baby rattles,,please feel fee to meet me at Spannabis i will correct your behaviour face to face extremly swiftly i can assure you.........Kol Tuv

BTW i let Spannabis managment know already that they are being used as a platform by scammers.
And no, I am not going to stop until I get mu money back.
If it deters only one person from making business with you then I am happy.
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woah hold up here folks

were not your person forumal to discuss your money transactions.
take your drama off our forum.

you can tell your side of the story , he can tell his

but im not going to sit here and let you guys argue it out over a business transaction.

this is our forum, you are a guests here to use the forum , you dont get to break rules and fight it out on our forum.
name calling, personal attacks, security breeches these things arent allowed here

Respect our rules. And figure out your business transaction problems elsewhere.
this isnt your personal forum to hash out your business transaction problems.
woah hold up here folks

were not your person forumal to discuss your money transactions.
take your drama off our forum.

you can tell your side of the story , he can tell his

but im not going to sit here and let you guys argue it out over a business transaction.

this is our forum, you are a guests here to use the forum , you dont get to break rules and fight it out on our forum.
You're right Sunni, I regret all of this more than anyone.
My aim is to warn people to not suffer the same loss as I did with dealing with this guy.
I got sucked in the details as a reply to his post.
I did not post this thread to fight with him. just to warn people.
I'm glad he came out so people can see what I'm dealing with.
You're right Sunni, I regret all of this more than anyone.
My aim is to warn people to not suffer the same loss as I did with dealing with this guy.
I got sucked in the details as a reply to his post.
I did not post this thread to fight with him. just to warn people.
I'm glad he came out so people can see what I'm dealing with.
look im so sorry you lost your money

and if you two can talk about your sides of the stories in professional manners, that doesnt break our rules here youre welcome to do so

just if both you and him could not get into heated swearing battles on our forums that would be great because were not here for that purpose.
were also not here for you two to do any sort of money resolution, /business transactions because thats not what our forum is for.

if you feel you want to be a forum member here permanently i suggest clicking his user name, a box will pop up and it will say "ignore" on it and you can place this guy on the ignore user feature so you dont have to run into him and feel you need to defend yourself because i can see how this situation is a frustrating one
I don't think this guy has any notion of professionalism,
But enough said.
Anyone reading this thread should ask himself a simple question:
Do I want to be treated like that as a customer?
Should a respectful business and a sane salesman treat his customers like that?
Answering these questions is the point of this thread. And I think its made. are a bad business with bad management and they treat their customers like shit. As shown in this thread without a doubt.
Keep away from!
Sure I am a little "but hurt", anyone would be in my situation,
you can go ahead and ask them anything you want,
Daithi is a pathological liar. I can prove my case very easy.
Here are some excerpts from our correspondent:

Hi Daithi! Hope you're well!

Yes I am around.
Do you want to go ahead with the order to be send this coming monday?
Are you OK with what I asked about the shipment (i.e no paper invoice, to be send in a DVD case, Special Delivery via Royal mail)?

450 Euros are 340 GBP. How much should I add for the cost of packaging & shipping?

If all is good I will transfer you with the money on sunday for the seeds to be shipped on monday.

Let me know,

From: <>
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:39 PM

From: daithi <>
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:56 PM

Hi there I think about £6 for next day signed for before 1 or 12 am....and yes we are still on..I'm flying back to UK over the weekend for important meetings,,,cheers,,,

Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:58 PM
To: daithi <>

Great news.
I'll be in touch sunday as soon as I transfer the money.
Have a great weekend.

From: <>
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:58 PM

From: daithi <>
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 2:08 PM

Oke dokie cheers

Sent from Samsung tablet.
-------- Original message --------
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 2:44 PM
To: daithi <>

Hi Daithi,

Just transferred 350 GBP into your account as discussed.
Please confirmed its received and please update me with the tracking number once its sent.

Many thanks.

From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 2:44 PM

From: daithi <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:10 PM

Hi I'm in Slovakia at moment...had to get here as a matter of urgency...I'm flying back to England..I have your order ready..I can post from Friday onwards..or you need Monday for Tuesday delivery..cheers...

Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:14 PM
To: daithi <>

Yes monday for tuesday.
Do not send on friday or there will be nobody to pick it up an sign for it.
Please send on monday for it to reach on tuesday. otherwise there will no nobody to pick it up and it will be held at the royal post which will make it difficult to pick it up for us.
Could you not have it send tomorrow, as discussed?

From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:15 PM

Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:50 PM
To: "" <>

Daithi plz let me know when you are planning to send it as I need to coordinate with Carolina to be there when it arrives.
She cannot be there on saturday so please do not send it on friday.
We discussed for it to be send tomorrow and thats how I planned it.
Please let me know ASAP if you cannot have it send tomorrow as discussed.
Please let me know when is the next time you will be able to send it if not tomorrow.

From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:51 PM

Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 4:18 PM
To: "" <>

Daithi I am very disappointed.
We agreed on the procedure only 2 days ago.
I specifically asked if it will be possible to send the order this Monday (tomorrow) and for that I transferred the money today and coordinated everything accordingly. You said it is possible. I trusted you.
Now, after I transferred the money you're being dodgy saying the order won't be sent until next week? This is not a good start mate.
I am disappointed, this is exactly what I feared would happen. We prepared the webpage for the new items and told our customers we will have new strains this week. This makes us look bad and unreliable. Needless to say it makes you look unreliable.
Please reply ASAP with clarity as to what is going on as I need to know.

From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 4:18 PM

From: daithi <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:23 PM

with respect my 9 business do not revolve your order I had to as an emergency go somewhere, ,,iI hold this time of emergency circumstance ahead of any order.your order is very small,I can not hold back a 2.4 million euro business because of ur order...your order will be sent as soon as I get back which is Thursday. .I'm post Monday morning with Tuesday delivery,,or alternatively I will refund you and u can try and source your order for these prices with another vendor....thanks daithi
-------- Original message --------
Date: 24/01/2016 4:18 pm (GMT+01:00)
Subject: Re: [Auto-Reply] Re: [Auto-Reply] Re: Daithi are we still on?

Daithi I am very disappointed.
We agreed on the procedure only 2 days ago.
I specifically asked if it will be possible to send the order this Monday (tomorrow) and for that I transferred the money today and coordinated everything accordingly. You said it is possible. I trusted you.
Now, after I transferred the money you're being dodgy saying the order won't be sent until next week? This is not a good start mate.
I am disappointed, this is exactly what I feared would happen. We prepared the webpage for the new items and told our customers we will have new strains this week. This makes us look bad and unreliable. Needless to say it makes you look unreliable.
Please reply ASAP with clarity as to what is going on as I need to know.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 3:51 PM, <> wrote:
Hi there its Daithi il get back to you as soon as possible :)

From: daithi <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:26 PM

I just read the 2nd part of ur email....if u EVER call me dodgy again I'll arrange to meet u ....let that be the 1st and fuckin last time u ever mention that word to me ....and this is the 1st and last order u will ever have with us and I will make other vendors know that u require pampering for our ur stringent order.....iI acted weeks for u to contact us then u dissappear again.then pop up with your demands,,,your order has been packed is with me personally and will be displaced with tracking number,,do not order from us again we can do without the business...
Sent from Samsung tablet.

Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:32 PM
To: daithi <>

No no.
Do not send the order.
Just refund the money in full and you won't hear from me again.

My bank account details are:

Account number:
Sort Code:

Don't send us any seeds please. Just refund the money please 350 GBP.
Please refund as soon as possible.
Good luck with your business.

From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:32 PM

From: daithi <>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 7:35 PM

There is a 180 day return policy.....

You've been stung man, good and proper. Thanks for that, its what this page is for, seedbank reviews, good or bad.
I hope you find a reputable supplier in the future. Good luck.
You're right Sunni, I regret all of this more than anyone.
My aim is to warn people to not suffer the same loss as I did with dealing with this guy.
I got sucked in the details as a reply to his post.
I did not post this thread to fight with him. just to warn people.
I'm glad he came out so people can see what I'm dealing with.
Did the package show up?
in repsect of REPRs rants and threats and behaviour,,,it wasnt within our remit to refund his moneys once it had been through due process we only refund in matters of our error or circumstances beyond our control,,once a seed order is taken from their fresh packs and then resealed they are not send back from their original destinations,the boy in question is right in 1 sense it was agreed a certain postal date was indeed possible and with the grace of god it didnt happen for reasons i do not need to explain here,,,i apologised and offered a different soloution which was not in agreement with this guy,,,autoflor are transparent and have an excellent track record in dispatch and integrity,,,in respect of someone saying our seed prices are to low,,well i concur whole heartedly they indeed are low,,and low for a reason we do not feed our accounts and charge 7 euro a seed thats 699% profit on every seed..we do not give away lighter stickers tshirts tampons space rockets or glitter coverd nappies,,if we do that then the price of seeds would go through the roof,,the thing with having an ethical seedbank is the approach to desenstizing the general view on seed prices,,,would u pay £500 for an oz of weed or would u rather pay £150 of someone else,,there isnt enough education yet out there,,the buyer at the end of the day has the shout contact ur banks and ask for lower prices they are makin money hand over fist...we do what we do because we have a medicinal programme to adhere to,,we allocate alot of seeds through out the year to certain peoples who need them we dont need to bum and blow and post statistics of who weve helped,,from time to time they post for themselves,,,i will not stand by at let someone tarnish so man years of hard work with his childish rants and conspiracy theorys if hes that way bound he can go on youtube and watch re'runs of Xfiles..i tried my level best to sort this guy out over weeks he dissapeard then came then dissaperd them messaged then didnt,,,even if u read his posts u can see through his ramblings,,,he has cheery picked certain mails to show yous in his favour but the right once he has sent me MANY and texts and fake account messages, heres his behaviour in pvt messages to me...the worst crime here is people buying into his theory and hes just signed an account today,,,tch tch tch ,,,he admitted to me hes been bitten before which is a sad fact here,i feel for those that have or paid out their rear ends for beans that havent popped frustration a plenty,,,Autoflor gave away plenty of seeds on and of facebook and ran comps,,,and the comp whores and seed bleeders ruined it for everyone else,,,we can not suck up huge costings like big banks ,,,and yes we have been open to people leetching before but lessons learned,,,,this guy (name removed) is a disgruntled frustrated little boy who unfortunatly didnt get his order when ,,HE WANTED,,,,so now his personal vandetta is against Autolfor,,,,the reason ie someone says they havent heard of us before is,,untill today there has been no personal attack or negativity in our direction,,,but youl find plenty of people of good words to say,,if there was plenty of words to say over the years you would surely have heard it by now,,,,,,in closing and this is the last of the matter from me,,,,,i have never taken a wage from Autoflor and i mean £1 $1 never taken a wage in all these years,,,and i work circa 150 hours a week,,well i did untill late last year when on medical advice i had to wind down on the hours......i would advice those not to buy someones bitter story it only causes dissent on forums,,,,good luck everyone and happy farming....D

See you in Barcelona on March


you people should be ashamed of yourselves
MON 11:41PM
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I'm just getting started
just warming up
you don't know me, I will not stop
for a start i'll get google search results filled with bad reviews whenever someone type in the name autoflor/es
think again if this is worth my lousy 350 pounds
do the right thing and pay me back my money

hope you like my presents
let me know if you need any help deleting messages asshole

it takes me only few minutes to mess yp your fb page. how long does it take to delete the messages? just wondering. Give me back my money, thief, I will not stop until you refund my money. I can keep coming from other profiles just like you in case you manage to block me. i'm not afraid of you fucking thug bully, Give me back my money you thief

just a dispicable common thief using claims of charity. charity my ass you are a fraud. your a pathological liar and a corrupt little fuckface and i am gonna teach you a kesson for stealing from me you piece of shit

is it really worth it?
if i am a nut case ike you say i am, and admitingly i am actually a nutcase, but i am fair and i keep my word, i don't lie and i don't con people, you on the otherhand are both a nutcase and a piece of shit
if i am a nutcase just refund me and leave me alone with my insanity
why take money from a naive crazy person
unless you're a piece of shit

I already cost you way more than the 350 you stole from me. And thats just overnight. Think what I can do in a year! We have great things ahead. Show you really care for those sick people you claim to volunteer and work 100 hours a week for and pay me back my money, do the right thing

make me stop
I will write emails and forward our conversations to anyone in the business that i find. this is gonna be big. mark my words. maybe we'll get to the cover of high times magazine!

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check the comments...

you want to name and shame me fuckface? you will only name and shame yourself. thief
you stole money from the wrong nutcase, fuckface
Did you really threaten him as one of his emails depicts you doing when he called you a name?
Did you really threaten him as one of his emails depicts you doing when he called you a name?
He made physical threats so far twice. One in the email I posted, just after I told him he's being dodgy (which he was): "...if u EVER call me dodgy again I'll arrange to meet u ..."
And second time was on a facebook message after I asked to cancel the order and get my money back: ",,please feel fee to meet me at Spannabis i will correct your behaviour face to face extremly swiftly i can assure you......."
But not only physical threats, he threaten to name and shame me and slander my name: "i also personally know most of the people who run the forums and pages and canna chat rooms,,maybe they would like to hear of your extreme behaviour and idle threats towards a medicinal association,,,,i am well regarded there,,would you like me to inform the correct people of your behaviour there ?????...would you also like for your name and the magazines name to be broadly mentioned and connected also with this type of behaviour ????? you have been told a few times by a few different people within Autoflor,,,"
Just found out that his company is registered in Poland:śląskie,,bielsko_biała,równikowa,14_e/autoflor_botanicals_daithi_o_cru-zjkyfn_azt.html

Where cannabis seeds are illegal as far as I know. Does anyone here speaks Polish? Perhaps I should write some emails to Polish authorities to let them know they're hosting a scammer...
our website is an english based website.
should you choose to go through authorities please take it off our website, were not here for your purpose of legal matters
our website is an english based website.
should you choose to go through authorities please take it off our website, were not here for your purpose of legal matters
Sure. Was just asking for advice. I really don't know what to do. But if I choose this form of action your website will have nothing to do with it.
Sure. Was just asking for advice. I really don't know what to do. But if I choose this form of action your website will have nothing to do with it.

Best thing to do is forget about it and put it down to a bad experience you wont repeat. All this legal stuff will get you nowhere, after all it is MJ seeds we are talking about.
There are many reputable seed sellers out there and there's a seed bank review on here, so you can check out other peoples experiences.
Chill out man and keep out of trouble....:wink:
good morning or evening everyone....i would like to make you all aware that the certain person who decided to come to this forum to try and dirty Autoflors name,as agreed albeit 24 hours later than initally agreed on recieved his package with his full order and arranged and paid for yesterday,as in the following tuesday after he was outraged we couldnt make it before if we had of stuck to original plan from he transferd the money to him recviing the package would have been EXACTLY 3 DAYS GIVEN TAKE HE TRANSFERD IT ON A SUNDAY AND I WOULD HAVE POSTED MONEY WiTH 24 HOUR TRACKED AND SIGNED FOR,,i have foto evidence of this in photo format that was taken at the post office and also i have an electronic copy of the signature the delivery person on the other end obtained,,,,you see through no fault of our own i entered into an agreement with a vile human being who in this instance was let down in his mind by us not getting to post his package on time,,he still got it 1 week from payment,which i feel is normal.actually good...this is the bit you all failed to see,,,this person then proceeded to cut and paste part conversations to make a screen play of distaste and disentment against demonize a non profit association...i take my hat of to him clever little boy,,,but the worst crime are those of you who furnished his bitterness that bought into his narcistic little views,,,,and yes i came here to defend our assocition once i was informed how he was corrupting the GULLABLE views of others....he was sold 450 seeds of a mix of high end strains for £350,,,now please feel free to find that deal anywhere else....also can i just add,,,he was informed there was a minimum order to other seed banks of 10,000 and not to normal customers,,,the think he hasnt shown u are his semi begging emails asking to please reduce the order to an intial ,1000,,which then went down and down and down,,,well u know wsr im going with this,,please help me im just starting you know being non profit and decent people,,we decided in this instance to reach out to a new seed bank as we at 1 time wer knew ourselfs and i bent littlerally over back wards to accomodate him,,only to not only have him go wild with accusations,,but the saddest part to bite the hand of freindship and mock us,,,due to how he has behaved he has in this instance killed any further wanting to help anyone else in this kind of circumstances,,,,,,i concur whole heartedly that there are wolves and fxxxxg parasites out there,,,i can tell u for 1 it isnt Autoflor or anyone connected with it,,,,o an
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The order was CANCELLED! 2 hours only after payment and 1 week (!!!) before shipping.
Yet you insisted on sending it regardless.
you said you had a return policy.

this is the email i just sent you:
I don't want your seeds
this ordered was cancelled BEFORE it was sent

please send me with the details of your return policy as well as the address to send the seeds back

I would like to return the seeds and get my money back

I do not want your seeds I got nothing to do with them
the order was cancelled before it was sent
you chose to send it. I didnt want it
please provide with the information to return the seeds

I'm vile? youre the one who didnt keep his word then called me names and threated me with violence. you're a horrible business treating customer like shit. and you have the nerve to call me vile?
good morning or evening everyone....i would like to make you all aware that the certain person who decided to come to this forum to try and dirty Autoflors name,as agreed albeit 24 hours later than initally agreed on recieved his package with his full order and arranged and paid for yesterday,as in the following tuesday after he was outraged we couldnt make it before if we had of stuck to original plan from he transferd the money to him recviing the package would have been EXACTLY 3 DAYS GIVEN TAKE HE TRANSFERD IT ON A SUNDAY AND I WOULD HAVE POSTED MONEY WiTH 24 HOUR TRACKED AND SIGNED FOR,,i have foto evidence of this in photo format that was taken at the post office and also i have an electronic copy of the signature the delivery person on the other end obtained,,,,you see through no fault of our own i entered into an agreement with a vile human being who in this instance was let down in his mind by us not getting to post his package on time,,he still got it 1 week from payment,which i feel is normal.actually good...this is the bit you all failed to see,,,this person then proceeded to cut and paste part conversations to make a screen play of distaste and disentment against demonize a non profit association...i take my hat of to him clever little boy,,,but the worst crime are those of you who furnished his bitterness that bought into his narcistic little views,,,,and yes i came here to defend our assocition once i was informed how he was corrupting the GULLABLE views of others....he was sold 450 seeds of a mix of high end strains for £350,,,now please feel free to find that deal anywhere else....also can i just add,,,he was informed there was a minimum order to other seed banks of 10,000 and not to normal customers,,,the think he hasnt shown u are his semi begging emails asking to please reduce the order to an intial ,1000,,which then went down and down and down,,,well u know wsr im going with this,,please help me im just starting you know being non profit and decent people,,we decided in this instance to reach out to a new seed bank as we at 1 time wer knew ourselfs and i bent littlerally over back wards to accomodate him,,only to not only have him go wild with accusations,,but the saddest part to bite the hand of freindship and mock us,,,due to how he has behaved he has in this instance killed any further wanting to help anyone else in this kind of circumstances,,,,,,i concur whole heartedly that there are wolves and fxxxxg parasites out there,,,i can tell u for 1 it isnt Autoflor or anyone connected with it,,,,o and Sunni if ur reading this i dont know how u became an Administartor on a page wer u clearly bent over and gave this idiot credence with his negative lieing story and belived him,,,,,only after joining the site 1 hour previous tch tch very distastefull,,,,,anyway,,,good luck people,,and the next time a spoilt little lunatic decides to come to an open forum page to bash someone who u dont know and have never heard of or dealt with,,,just chase them,,,,because they turn pages and forums septic,,,D

I never begged you for ANYTHING. stop lying. you're the one who called me. I told you first thing that we canno9ot make a big order. I NEVER asked you to "help us out". that is a lie. I didnt ask for anything. When I said I don't know you company and that I need to check that the seeds are good first. that is the only reason.
Who would have paid 10K Euro for seeds he doesnt know?? NOone!
You urged me to buy and I agreed. If it was for me, me and you would never had any contact as I would NEVER buy seeds from an unknown dodgy vendor as yourself
good morning or evening everyone....i would like to make you all aware that the certain person who decided to come to this forum to try and dirty Autoflors name,as agreed albeit 24 hours later than initally agreed on recieved his package with his full order and arranged and paid for yesterday,as in the following tuesday after he was outraged we couldnt make it before if we had of stuck to original plan from he transferd the money to him recviing the package would have been EXACTLY 3 DAYS GIVEN TAKE HE TRANSFERD IT ON A SUNDAY AND I WOULD HAVE POSTED MONEY WiTH 24 HOUR TRACKED AND SIGNED FOR,,i have foto evidence of this in photo format that was taken at the post office and also i have an electronic copy of the signature the delivery person on the other end obtained,,,,you see through no fault of our own i entered into an agreement with a vile human being who in this instance was let down in his mind by us not getting to post his package on time,,he still got it 1 week from payment,which i feel is normal.actually good...this is the bit you all failed to see,,,this person then proceeded to cut and paste part conversations to make a screen play of distaste and disentment against demonize a non profit association...i take my hat of to him clever little boy,,,but the worst crime are those of you who furnished his bitterness that bought into his narcistic little views,,,,and yes i came here to defend our assocition once i was informed how he was corrupting the GULLABLE views of others....he was sold 450 seeds of a mix of high end strains for £350,,,now please feel free to find that deal anywhere else....also can i just add,,,he was informed there was a minimum order to other seed banks of 10,000 and not to normal customers,,,the think he hasnt shown u are his semi begging emails asking to please reduce the order to an intial ,1000,,which then went down and down and down,,,well u know wsr im going with this,,please help me im just starting you know being non profit and decent people,,we decided in this instance to reach out to a new seed bank as we at 1 time wer knew ourselfs and i bent littlerally over back wards to accomodate him,,only to not only have him go wild with accusations,,but the saddest part to bite the hand of freindship and mock us,,,due to how he has behaved he has in this instance killed any further wanting to help anyone else in this kind of circumstances,,,,,,i concur whole heartedly that there are wolves and fxxxxg parasites out there,,,i can tell u for 1 it isnt Autoflor or anyone connected with it,,,,o and Sunni if ur reading this i dont know how u became an Administartor on a page wer u clearly bent over and gave this idiot credence with his negative lieing story and belived him,,,,,only after joining the site 1 hour previous tch tch very distastefull,,,,,anyway,,,good luck people,,and the next time a spoilt little lunatic decides to come to an open forum page to bash someone who u dont know and have never heard of or dealt with,,,just chase them,,,,because they turn pages and forums septic,,,D
Soooo you did threaten him? Even though you're the owner of a reputable seed company?
The fact that you're not telling is that the seeds were sent to a reception desk of a big company. so obviously there will be someone to sign it. though this someone has nothing to do with me. The woman who was supposed to receive the seeds on my behalf was not there to pick it up and signed for it. that is the reason i didnt want it to be sent on any other date. yet you insisted. now we don't have the seeds yet and it might take few weeks until we will be able to retrieve this parcel. Hopefully no one at that company will open it because then she might lose her job because of that. Thank you Autoflor for getting someone in trouble.
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