Beware of the Boot Print Bandit


Active Member
Let me know what you guys think about this situation...

Say you have a nice remote spot in the middle of no where (not remote enough), you dig some holes, fill with great soil, put 4 plants out. You come back 2 weeks later and 3 of the 4 plants are still looking good but 1 is missing. Where the missing plant was you notice a boot print right in the center of the soil and that the missing plant seems to have been taken roots soil and all.

Do you think this was just someone saying that they found the spot and to scout harder next time? Would you bother to go back and tend to them knowing that this bandit will probably beat you to them at harvest time? Maybe just go back harvest time and see what's there but don't count on anything... If it ain't the deer or woodchucks it's fricken people!


Well-Known Member
Dig them up & move them, plenty of time left this season. You won't get anything if you leave them there.



Active Member
Move them if they are in good shape..............and hope you find a better spot. I just had this happen this year .....exact situation. One plant missing and our water jugs where thrown in the middle of the garden. The plants werent worth all the work to move them so we started from fresh and left the other plants to rot. If they were healthy we would have moved them to a different spot. learnin experiance is anything man.........i expect 50% of my outdoor to fail in some way anything more than that is a bonus. Just because they dont get the care that the ones at home get. And thiefs, deer, elk. beers, weather,slugs, mites ext ext.


Active Member
Sadly moving them is not too possible. While they are healthy the soil in this area is extremely rocky, so digging it is a real bitch and there aren't any other good clearings anywhere near by. It's all thick forest.

The boot print is a def a major mind fuck and kind of creepy too since you assume that you're all alone out in that area. It's like in Preditor, when they know there is something hunting them but they don't know what it is yet. Damn preditor monster.