beware of trolls more then 500 post troll


Well-Known Member
Thats a trick question:eyesmoke:. There are a lot of high post counts and huge rep bars in and from toke and talk and their rep parties, but rarely do i see them give advice on growing. To the OP, just do your homework. Don't take one persons opinion as gold. And you can also put anyone you want on your ignore list.
Thats true


Well-Known Member
am i wrong
Considering everyone who posted in this thread said you were wrong....

Seriously though, I would be suspicious of a new account (a few months) with a really high post count.
But setting a specific number = troll is a far cry from reality. A troll is a troll no matter the post count.


Well-Known Member
Trolling is like latin. It's becoming a lost art. Anyone can be an asshole and make stupid remarks. True trolling is a skilled art.

nick youhave been on since 2010 with only 793 posts your not a troll bro
I think it's safe to say you're a dumbass.


Ursus marijanus
like it says watch out if someone has more then 500 post they are either a troll or some know it all or both
just look at they're post count under they're pic im at like 245 and i thought i spent too much time here well its true ppl have to much time on there hands or something. getting tired of trolls period
Oh dear. I still get dessert, though, right? I've been looking forward to dessert. cn


Well-Known Member
Trolling is like latin. It's becoming a lost art. Anyone can be an asshole and make stupid remarks. True trolling is a skilled art.

I think it's safe to say you're a dumbass.
My alma mater sports board I visit has one of the best trolls I have ever encountered.
He rarely ever replies to a thread. He regularly starts threads with a truth that no one wants to see. He always stays polite and well within the rules, but every single thread he starts turns into a riot. He is referred to as a master fisher. He throws out the bait and people always rush to swallow it down, even knowing he is doing nothing but stirring the pot. I see others from time to time try to duplicate his fishing routine and they always fail miserably in comparison.