Beware Sannie's Spoofing Fraud!


Gudkarma: I registered, ordered and paid. When I came back 2 days later and tried to login, the system didn't recognize my address. When I put my order # in, it says access instructions were sent to my email. I never received a confirmation email. I have no idea what happened to the record of my order. The only way I even know the order # was by grabbing it off the url of the pmt. processor's confirmation screen in my browser history. This has to be some kind of software glitch. It's unfortunate it happened on my first order. I was not slandering Sannie. On the contrary, I've heard nothing but good things, which is why I expect this will be resolved favorably.

when you login at sannies site , you are recognized?

if so, you have an account.

there is a "tab" about half way down the page on your right... says "orders".

if you have an order # you are fine & sannie will take care of you.

sannie is married, has kids, runs a biz, & its the holidays.

everything is fine. he'll get back to you soon enough.

& if your order isn't 30 days overdue, you need to wait a little while longer.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Dude, you've been hittin' the pipe too hard if you think I'm a fucking rookie. You'd all be bitching if this had happened to you.
i did bitch and moan the first time it happened...and like you my gear came a lil late....i was a rookie

now i jus wait it out cuz i trust my seedbanks ..... if you woulda said some other seed bank i wouldnt have even looked at this , but Sannies is super legit

just accept the rookie mistake , its all part of the learning dont gotta be a fuckface


Well-Known Member
be careful of them dodgey sites.

If their is dodgey mr nice, greenhouse etc. Im guessing their is a dodgey Sannies.


Well-Known Member
With a Visa. And yes, it is most def. messed up. It is possible there is not even a record of this order that I placed and paid for.
Well stop panicking.
contact the card and tell them you never got what you paid for and then wait untill you can confirm sannie is back at work.

He is a busy man. A wife and kids is enough work never mind holidays and the fact he as many varieties to look after.

If your bank as no details I would say the order did not go through.

I ad that happen to me on Planet skunk. I cursed them for screwing an order. only when i read the paper statment i found out the truth...

Sannie is as avarage as they are for a breeder. He could charge you silly money for his genetics and people would spew money out for them but he does not.
That itself should show his credentials.


Well-Known Member
With a Visa. And yes, it is most def. messed up. It is possible there is not even a record of this order that I placed and paid for.
Let me get this straight. You were contacted and responded to by someone other than that's were the orders go and generate the auto-reply and receipt.

I just received an order from Sannie this month, and spoke w/him regarding their storage methods.

Something smells wrong.


Let me get this straight. You were contacted and responded to by someone other than that's were the orders go and generate the auto-reply and receipt.

I just received an order from Sannie this month, and spoke w/him regarding their storage methods.

Something smells wrong.
I ordered w/ a Visa debit card, was redirected to pmt. processor site where I saw I had successfully paid "Bio Sannie," then back to Sannie site with thank you confirmation page. All completely normal procedure. I never printed out the final confirm because I knew it would be mailed to me like every other order I've ever made elsewhere. After an hour or so with no mail, I checked my bank transactions, and saw that I had paid a dutch company, which had no obvious connection to Sannie, the exact amount of the order. I don't remember having seen the typical line that "charges on your card will be billed from ___." Equally troubling, Sannie had no record of my email when I tried to login. When I input the order #, system said "access instructions have been sent to your email address," which they weren't. I tried reregistering with the same address but of course system said that email address is already in use. So I thought there was enough weirdness going on that I ought to investigate. I emailed the pmt processor who forwarded it to the 3rd party company. Somebody from that company sent me a very nice explanation that they were the people who accept card transactions on Sannie's behalf so that he can remain under the radar. But he also confirmed that something had gone wrong on their end resulting in no auto-reply receipt having been generated. Info at Sannie's was copied on his email and he promised to personally speak to Sannie's people to confirm I had ordered and paid. That was Wednesday. I have of course emailed info@sannie with all the details. So for the time being I'm stuck in limbo. I paid for an order that Sannie might not have a record of. I can't login and no one from Sannie's has gotten back to me. Those are the facts.


Well-Known Member
I ordered w/ a Visa debit card, was redirected to pmt. processor site where I saw I had successfully paid "Bio Sannie," then back to Sannie site with thank you confirmation page. All completely normal procedure. I never printed out the final confirm because I knew it would be mailed to me like every other order I've ever made elsewhere. After an hour or so with no mail, I checked my bank transactions, and saw that I had paid a dutch company, which had no obvious connection to Sannie, the exact amount of the order. I don't remember having seen the typical line that "charges on your card will be billed from ___." Equally troubling, Sannie had no record of my email when I tried to login. When I input the order #, system said "access instructions have been sent to your email address," which they weren't. I tried reregistering with the same address but of course system said that email address is already in use. So I thought there was enough weirdness going on that I ought to investigate. I emailed the pmt processor who forwarded it to the 3rd party company. Somebody from that company sent me a very nice explanation that they were the people who accept card transactions on Sannie's behalf so that he can remain under the radar. But he also confirmed that something had gone wrong on their end resulting in no auto-reply receipt having been generated. Info at Sannie's was copied on his email and he promised to personally speak to Sannie's people to confirm I had ordered and paid. That was Wednesday. I have of course emailed info@sannie with all the details. So for the time being I'm stuck in limbo. I paid for an order that Sannie might not have a record of. I can't login and no one from Sannie's has gotten back to me. Those are the facts.
I know you have heard this already(and rather rudely I might add from other posters), but I would advise waiting until Monday morning for any responses. Whether or not they have a record of your order is not as important as the fact you have record of the transaction. The billing company responded to you, if it was a scam you and many others would have heard nothing back. It's a glitch that I'm sure Sannie will make right.

In my experience, when these things happen the customer usually comes out ahead in the form of extra freebies.


Well-Known Member
He was responded too rudely because you just dont go throwing accusations of being a fraud and thief around until you know for sure.
The guy is a retard and should fucking be beat down for such asinine comments....


Well-Known Member
He was responded too rudely because you just dont go throwing accusations of being a fraud and thief around until you know for sure.
The guy is a retard and should fucking be beat down for such asinine comments....
I see no such accusations here currently, only a concerned customer with a first time happens. You must have missed my rant towards the Canadian mail system, and my second rant towards breeders selling online without a credit card modem. Until this shit is properly legalized, don't expect a normal customer type E Bay purchase experience when ordering illegal seeds.


He was responded too rudely because you just dont go throwing accusations of being a fraud and thief around until you know for sure.
The guy is a retard and should fucking be beat down for such asinine comments....
I never accused Sannie of fraud. I posted to warn others that something unusual and potentially suspicious had happened during my transaction. I tried to delete my original post after I received a partial explanation from the Sannie-affiliated 3rd party company. You guys wanted the details, so I laid them out. The aggressive insults hurled my way by the Sannie faithful actually give me even more confidence that this will be addressed and corrected next week, since you wouldn't be defending a company that wasn't completely deserving of its stellar reputation. I will post once this has been resolved. Happy New Year!