
Well-Known Member

This seedbank was posing as a different scam site a week ago. They were going by "Carter Creek Cannabis" which is actually a legit place but they had a different URL with a different character in the Web Site Address in it.. slightly different than the legitimate shop. They scammed me out of $100 and a couple of my friends. The scammer is based out of Michigan and should be avoided.

Camaroseedbank is a total scam.

They have listed seed packs for sale that are rare and no longer in production. That should tip people off right there. When I emailed the site owner asking why he had old TGA Stock he said.. it was from his personal collection. He emailed me a photo of a bunch of TGA packs. The way I realized it was a scam, he got greedy and started listing more packs like TGA Bat Girl, which is not even a real pack of seeds.. Batgirl was a pheno of Jack's Cleaner Blueberry from the mid 2000s but was incorrectly listed on seedfinder. He probably just copied the false info from seedfinder. Don't get scammed. Stay away from this guy.
One another site( very popular) all most got me on a pak from csi death row when started asking real questions he said hus partner had sold it guy be vigilant

This seedbank was posing as a different scam site a week ago. They were going by "Carter Creek Cannabis" which is actually a legit place but they had a different URL with a different character in the Web Site Address in it.. slightly different than the legitimate shop. They scammed me out of $100 and a couple of my friends. The scammer is based out of Michigan and should be avoided.

Camaroseedbank is a total scam.

They have listed seed packs for sale that are rare and no longer in production. That should tip people off right there. When I emailed the site owner asking why he had old TGA Stock he said.. it was from his personal collection. He emailed me a photo of a bunch of TGA packs. The way I realized it was a scam, he got greedy and started listing more packs like TGA Bat Girl, which is not even a real pack of seeds.. Batgirl was a pheno of Jack's Cleaner Blueberry from the mid 2000s but was incorrectly listed on seedfinder. He probably just copied the false info from seedfinder. Don't get scammed. Stay away from this guy.
That’s shit mate.

Genetic supply has some older TGA bits on the producer’s overstock, and some in badgers batch.
Certainly no scammer!!
Damn, that's messed up! Thanks for looking out and letting us know about Can't trust those scammers trying to rip people off with fake seed packs. Good thing you caught on to their shady tactics. Spread the word and make sure others don't fall for their tricks