Beware the Skunk!


Well-Known Member
This study is bullshit. Weed does not cause schizophrenia. Propaganda conveniently on time to make David Nutt appear rightfully fired.
Schizophrenia is a genetic disorder. Half of all schizophrenics abuse drugs and alcohol.
substance use is a consequence of schizophrenia, not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Also being born in spring or winter increases chances of getting schizophrenia, as does living in an urban environment. as does being poor.


Well-Known Member
Skunk traded illegally in southeast London, where the study was carried out, has around 12 to 18 percent THC and 1.5 percent cannabidiol, while regular cannabis resin has an average THC of around 3.4 percent and an equal amount of cannabidiol.
Obviously bullshit to those who know


Active Member
I would counter with "using skunk alleviates schizophrenic symptoms" I'm quite sure MJ has actualy been PRESCRIBED by our compassionate doctors of psychiatry.


Active Member
One of my close friends has schizophrenia because of extacy. I do X every once and a while but he was badly addicted. It's really sad seeing him change he's like permanantly fucked up and spaced out.
Kinda woke me up and made me realize not to go to crazy with the harder drugs.
And yea if anything I think the herb would help phycosis not cause it......