BF LSD Outdoor LST


Yes! even the title rhymes. A short little intro here...
This is my first grow (ever), and I chose Barney's farms LSD. A single feminized seed was all that remained after a certain incident. I must have dropped her on the floor in the Bathroom and she landed in the grout. Anyways, I found her several months later, and planted her in the ground(amended with potting soil+polymer crystals) And let it be. This was June 20th.
It's been well over a month and a half since then, and this is how she looks. I have bent her over (LST) to prevent her from getting too tall, which was a concern of mine. She's probably 5 ft tall if she were to stand straight, and I'm pleased so far, especially with the late start date that I had. I had a slight problem with snails that I rectified with carbaryl, and have fed her every two weeks with Jack's Classic 20-20-20 water soluble fertilizer. She didn't get to veg as much as I'd liked, but she's in flowering now and I'll be happy with whatever I get.
The polymer crystals were a godsend, by the way. We had a nasty drought and I left for several weeks so she didn't get any water. I came back to find her green as can be. Also helps with a slower release of ferts.

Several questions: When do you estimate she will finish? Our first frost usually come late October/early November, so I'll pull it before then. Does anyone have plans for a stealth drying setup? I don't want to do it outside. as it effects the appearance and all that. I thought of a rubbermaid container with carbon filters+computer fan? Anyone have experience with that? And finally, the most annoying noob question of them all, any guesses on yield, taking into account the late planting date and all the other information above? Any tips and tricks?
Also, I've read LSD smoke reports and the reviews are very mixed. Do you think it will be a high quality smoke?0831121021.jpg0831121035.jpg

Thannk you.


I have more pictures, now. I welcome comments- swear I won't bite. I'm not sure how long this strain usually flowers for. It seems to be slowing down. 0904121153.jpg0904121153a.jpg


Well-Known Member
imo your feeding too much nitrogen...
i would use some jack's blossom booster..its10-15-20
you got some good time left...4 weeks or more...


I haven't ferted since I did, around a week ago. I'll look into the blossom booster, for sure.
In my area we usually don't get frost until late October, so I hypothetically have 7 weeks for her to finish, which I don't think is too bad for a late starter.
Thank you for the input!


Well-Known Member
I agree looks like u are gonna cut it close on finishing before frost but it's a good lookin plant far as that strain I've never had LSD that wasn't fire...good luck


Thank you very much! Hopefully the weather cooperates. I'm in TN and we sometimes have water-skiing weather well into November.
Regarding the fertilizer for flower, I'm only able to find a Jack's classic blossom booster in 10-30-20. Will this be sufficient?
Thank you!


Totally cool! I understood what you meant. Just placed an order for a small tub of the stuff. Hopefully It will work the way I need it to. I'll keep the thread updated with pictures and whatnot, I couldn't find too many outdoor grow reports for this specific strain.


Hey folks! Just got my blossom booster in the mail. The feeding recommendation is 1 tablespoon/gallon, once a week, but I figured I'd ask some seasoned growers how much and when I should feed my girl? Also, be on the look out for a stealth grow box I'm constructing.


Went and ferted with my new blossom booster from's Peter's. Here are some updated photos- Do you think I'll finish with the short amount of time I have left? Let me know what you think, as well as what you would do differently.

Also, does the browning of some of the buds mean anything other than that part of the plant is dying? I noticed that on two or so buds.


How did you get on in the end matey? Good smoke? The pistils changing colour are a completely natural part of the flowering process and will happen to most of them