Bhang Lassi as effective as edibles?


Well-Known Member
Hey dear community,

I love edibles and just want to consume weed that. Way mostly, but I cannot bear too much sweet.

So I know in India they make the holy bhang Lassi with milk or yogurt, but is it as effective as edibles, due to the lower fat content and the fact that traditional cookie edibles have sugar in then which might potentiate the effect?

I live in Germany and weed is not legalized until the first of April and it's still expensive, so we cannot afford to experiment too many times.

The concept of bhang Lassi seems very appealing to me also because I was thinking how people made edibles back in the day, they didn't have refined sugar, or ovens and bhang Lassi seems like a very good way for consumption.
Im assuming if you made the bhang with some strong enough cannamilk, it could be as strong if not stronger depending on what kind of flower you put in there.
Apparently they make it with the dried leaves and the fresh leaves and no activation but it brings psychedelic type experiences to the users
Apparently they make it with the dried leaves and the fresh leaves and no activation but it brings psychedelic type experiences to the users
If its a hot drink, that might cause some decarbing. But I guess that depends on how long it sits in hotness too.
If its a hot drink, that might cause some decarbing. But I guess that depends on how long it sits in hotness too.
I watched a few videos and didn't see any heat and they use the leaves rather than Budsm maybe it's the process how they squeeze the leaves with the other ingredients.
But it's worth to read more about it as it has psychedelic effects
I watched a few videos and didn't see any heat and they use the leaves rather than Budsm maybe it's the process how they squeeze the leaves with the other ingredients.
But it's worth to read more about it as it has psychedelic effects
Is it green leaves or dried leaves. THCA can convert to thc with just time. Doesn't need heat. Heat just speeds up the process.
I like to consume by eating, but I don't want sweet either. I just decarb and infuse in coconut oil. Then, I just consume the coconut oil.

I grind and decarb 120g flower, then put in 5 cups of unrefined coconut oil with 5 Tbsp of sunflower lecithin. I use a Magic Butter Machine, but you can use a crock-pot slow cooker set on low and stir frequently for 3 to 4 hrs.

Strain with strainer and/or cheese cloth.

The oil will congeal at room temp. I put mine in the fridge to speed up congealing. Then, I store it at room temp. It doesn't spoil for a long time, over a year.

1/4 to 1/2 tsp will get you right. 1 tsp is too much. Consume on empty stomach, then eat something about 5 mins later.
Is it green leaves or dried leaves. THCA can convert to thc with just time. Doesn't need heat. Heat just speeds up the process.
There are different ingredients varying with the person I suppose, it's ancient and spread around India I suppose so the ingredients vary.

But most of the videos used leaves, the paste of the leaves or a mix of dried and fresh leaves