Best tasting potent Cannabutter

Soul Suit

New Member
Hello all, it has been quite some time since I've hit the forums. Last time was HG420 and before that Overgrown. Anywho I wanted to pop in to share a project I have been working on. I have been refining my process of making cannabutter and feel I have about perfected it. This method was derived from trying many many many methods I've read about over the years and incorporating what I felt were the best aspects of each. Results will of course vary with material. I usually just retain and use trimmings(everything other than stems from leaves to buds that don't make the cut) from grows. I eyeball most things as well so exact measurements won't be found here. First thing I do is wrap my dried trimmings in many layers of cheesecloth (aprox 1/4-1/2lb) and soak this in water in a 5 gal bucket 24hrs. I then wring it out thoroughly and replace water and repeat for about 4-5 days. Since everything we want in marijuana is not water soluble and everything thing we don't is this is a great way to get rid of the baddies and keep what we are after which significantly improves the flavor of any final product. Once that is complete I spread the material over a baking pan and decarb it by baking at 245f until visibly near dry then an additional 45 mins. Now pour everclear liquor till the material is saturated and let soak 20 mins then again bake dry(won't take long this time). Roll the remaining material in cheesecloth again and place this material in either a crock pot on low or a pot on an induction cooker at 140-175f with 3-4lbs butter and cook overnight stirring occasionally. Let sit 1 hour then place in freezer. remove and shave away all that is not butter and allow to thaw. I then mix very thoroughly and portion out into 1 cup portions and use this to make cookies or whatever else sounds good. I've never before had edibles that taste so good and are such effective medication. Enjoy. I've been continually medicated for about 8 years now using edibles and have tried tweaking this many ways and have found this to be the most effective over all.