Bho and mold

hey if u have the lab equipment to get it out.. go for it.. but I wouldn't trust a coffee filter with your health is all.. and ya some1 in the area... I don't know his name.. I just know a few people that used to buy from him.. fucking loser.. greedy fucks..

me personaly I throw it away.. I had my 3 biggest plants get mold this year an lost a good few took the hit.
You don't need fancy lab equipment. All you need to do is check it with a black light, if no glow then dissolve your BHO in some alcohol and run it through syringe filters. Im not sure if there is a specific wavelength. Fadedawg should be able to fill us in on that.
A 3200 angstrom NDT inspection black light is what we use.

You can filter out the spores and filaments, thus getting rid of the taste and smell, but you can't filter out aflatoxins, should any be present.
I encourage people to become more literate in science and to not trust anecdotal information from strangers with "experienced stoner" credentials, especially when dealing with the most carcinogenic group of natural compounds that are known. I don't mean to offend anyone, but the information provided here is not necessarily correct. I am not going to go into details as anyone can find this information if they are literate in science and know where to look. Also, no one should trust me, as I am a stranger on the internet, have no verifiable credentials and everything I am saying here is purely anecdotal. When one becomes literate in science, one is no longer dependent upon the unreliable anecdotes of strangers, but knows how to either research or create the reliable data they lack.

This industry is in its infancy stage and now that it is becoming much more acceptable, more research will be able to be done so that people can have more confidence in what cannabis is actually good for and what is contraindicated. For example, published research shows that using cannabis to treat estrogen influenced breast cancer actually increases the growth of the cancer. This is the problem with not being literate in science and lacking critical thinking skills bc people tend to believe only what supports the narrative of their rigid ideology. There are many different kinds of cancers and they all behave differently. What might kill one may help another.

Again, become literate in science. Anecdotal information is not necessarily false, but it is the most unreliable source of information in science bc what a person thinks they saw, heard, smelled, touched, tasted, etc is very subjective and influenced by a person's personal bias. Funny how eye witness accounts are the most reliable source of information in a court of law. Personal bias is the reason for a double blind control in research so that the researcher isn't even aware of what they are observing at the time so that their bias for wanting results that support their hypothesis doesn't falsely skew the data. My avatar is a great example of how the mind perceives what it wants, but upon deeper investigation, one finds that their personal perspectives often don't provide the best data bc our minds are so easily tricked. I love neuroscience and intend on pursing graduate school in neurochemistry once I achieve my bachelor's in chemistry.

I know this sounds arrogant and pretentious to many, but try to put this into perspective as I had the same thoughts of science and scientists bc I believed a bunch of propaganda created and regurgitated by people that were fanatical and emotionally attached to rigid ideology. Science is a more dynamic ideology, despite its appearance to those who are illiterate in science. While this has not always been the attitude of science, the general attitude today is that science only gathers supporting evidence for its hypotheses and proves nothing. Science is not a religion as it requires evidence for belief. Also, beliefs are not absolute or concrete in science and are allowed to evolve and change with fewer restrictions as better evidence is discovered (this obviously is evidence that has been shown to be gathered using reliable methods and evidence that can be reproduced using the same methods). Hope this has been helpful, despite not being helpful for removing aflatoxins.
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I personally wouldn't run that for smoke, but if you did a Feco run with pure alcohol it should kill any of the mold or bacteria.
I have this curiosity about this whole topic. I do not have a science degree or any such background but if by chance someone out there does then I would love input on my thought process here.
Got some moldy product left over from a bad outdoor year and im planning on making BHO, I can do a ISO run but there are some concerns for example aflatoxins. I have been looking up extraction methods specific to aflatoxins in the mold that most likely is what is in my product and it seems you need polar solvents to properly extract them. Example of polar solvent would be something like methanol. Or 99% alchohol. Where as butane is considered a non-polar solvent. So if anyone is following my thought process here I was thinking that doing a BHO run might actually not pick up the aflatoxins at all here. Again I could damn well be wrong about this and that's fine. Just hoping someone can provide me concrete evidence to refute my thought process here or just some sound logic. Not planning on selliong this anyway. Wouldn't wanna potentially kill anyone because im being frugal.
I have this curiosity about this whole topic. I do not have a science degree or any such background but if by chance someone out there does then I would love input on my thought process here.
Got some moldy product left over from a bad outdoor year and im planning on making BHO, I can do a ISO run but there are some concerns for example aflatoxins. I have been looking up extraction methods specific to aflatoxins in the mold that most likely is what is in my product and it seems you need polar solvents to properly extract them. Example of polar solvent would be something like methanol. Or 99% alchohol. Where as butane is considered a non-polar solvent. So if anyone is following my thought process here I was thinking that doing a BHO run might actually not pick up the aflatoxins at all here. Again I could damn well be wrong about this and that's fine. Just hoping someone can provide me concrete evidence to refute my thought process here or just some sound logic. Not planning on selliong this anyway. Wouldn't wanna potentially kill anyone because im being frugal.

Both alcohol and the alkanes will extract the aflatoxins along with the concentrate..
Both alcohol and the alkanes will extract the aflatoxins along with the concentrate..
Got a source on that? Not trying step on your toes or undermine what you said, but i need alittle more then that. Research, possible studies on alkane/butane extractions of alfatoxins. Because with the research i have done so far this is the kind of results i typically find in the link i pasted. I just need a little more then the generic (it will extract alfatoxins)
Got a source on that? Not trying step on your toes or undermine what you said, but i need alittle more then that. Research, possible studies on alkane/butane extractions of alfatoxins. Because with the research i have done so far this is the kind of results i typically find in the link i pasted. I just need a little more then the generic (it will extract alfatoxins)
Apparently i cant post links but the only extraction methods i find involve chlorform, acetone,methanol,alcohol. Nothing about alkanes or butanes
Got a source on that? Not trying step on your toes or undermine what you said, but i need alittle more then that. Research, possible studies on alkane/butane extractions of alfatoxins. Because with the research i have done so far this is the kind of results i typically find in the link i pasted. I just need a little more then the generic (it will extract alfatoxins)

Attached is the C17H12O6 Aflatoxin B1 molecule, which you can see is a highly oxygenated (polar) aromatic hydrocarbon with a molecular wt of
312.277 g/mol. That suggests that it is soluble in other hydrocarbons, both polar and non polar.

In fact, even though it is a polar molecule, non polar vegetable oil contamination is one common problem, and it is typically extracted from the non polar vegetable oil using polar solvents, or SCFE water.

One of them also discusses an alkaline wash to further reduce aflatoxin levels.

Here is a link to a SCFE water extraction study.

Here is one removing aflatoxins from from corn oil with a solvent mix.

And one for solvent extraction from oil seed meals

The open question of course is what those processes do to the accompanying cannabis aromatic hydrocarbon terpenes and cannabinoids?

I don't have that answer and confess that once I understood that Aflatoxins are not just poisonous, but are the most carcinogenic natural substance known to man, I elected to avoid them as opposed to seeking methods to reduce contaminated material to acceptable levels.

As it is also a poison, with an LD-50 Rat of 9mg/kg or 9 X10-6= .000009 = 9 PPM, ostensibly you would want to be below the level where half the population died, so say 10% or 9 X 10-7 = 900 parts per billionth.

I suggest less given that it is a carcinogen as well, but have no suggestions. Here is link that further discusses it.


  • 220px-(–)-Aflatoxin_B1_Structural_Formulae_V.1.svg.png
    6.7 KB · Views: 0
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I love cannabis because it gives you that time to reason.

”The mycotoxins relevant to cannabis, aflatoxin and ochratoxin, have been shown to be carcinogenic”

Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus species of fungi, such as A. flavus and A. Parasiticus”

Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin that comes in three secondary metabolite forms, A, B, and C. All are produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus species”

Type species
Scientific classification
Aardbei Lambada vruchtrot Botrytis cinerea.jpg
Botrytis cinerea infection on strawberry
P.Micheli ex Pers. (1794)
Botrytis cinerea
Pers. (1794)
  • Botrytis P.Micheli (1729)
  • Botrytis sect. Cristularia Sacc.(1886)
  • Cephalocladium Rchb. ex Mussat (1900)
  • Haplaria Link (1809)
  • Polyactis Link (1809)
  • Coccotrichum Link (1824)
  • Penicillium Fr. (1832)
  • Pterodinia Chevall. (1837)
  • Phymatotrichum Bonord. (1851)
  • Cristularia (Sacc.) Costantin(1888)
Botrytis is a genus of anamorphic fungi in the family Sclerotiniaceae. Botrytis (also known as grey mold) belongs to the group hyphomycetes and has about 30 different species. It is a plant parasite as well as saprophytes on both agricultural and forest trees. It produces stout, dark, branching conidiophores that bear clusters of paler conidia (grey in mass) on denticles from apical ampullae. It is a common outdoor fungus and can be detected in spore trap samples. The fungus is often found growing on indoor plants. Although no mycotoxin has been reported from this fungus, it may cause hay fever, asthma and keratomycosis
What this all means to me is that flower gone bad with bud mold can by harvested and dried properly and then BHO’d into product to vaporize or if you are really paranoid, use for edibles.

In the 10,000 years or so since man has been using cannabis do you think any have used or smoked the bud that really *HAS* gone bad like rotting bud in garbage bags? They have I am sure, people probably died too, however, the recent outbreaks have more to do with the chemicals being sprayed on the plants to control mold and insects, as well as all the other shit they add to the “vape” pens that certainly are not 100% cannabis oil from BHO.

What is the cost for food grade glycerine nowadays anyhow? Is it from China?

And I saw online hundreds of bottles of “terpenes”, the ones we so lovingly craft as we grow....where does THAT come from? Probably a chinese lab.

What about the vitamin E acetate they are throwing in there....popcorn lung anyone? And yet again, where did that E come from, China?

With all the scare tactics going around, do your best to read, and read multiple references.
So a buddy if mine has a QP that got moldy. It's pretty moldy grayish webby kinda mold. He was wondering if I could blast it for him. No knowledge on mold an bho so was wondering what you guys think would be best.
The mold burns up. it dosent make it down your lungs. its long burnt up by the 500 degree coal. If the weed is very dry then there will be a chance of inhaling air born particles. The danger of inhaling it is in handling it. If your concerned about inhaling the particles better where an N-95 dust mask because the air will be full of it.
If you turn it into extract....any of the slovents (iso, butayne) will sterilize it.
If its made into a sift hash ..again it will burn up when smoked. It gets crushed up and mixed in in the extraction/drying process. It still tastes great...but not as good as it would had it not gone moldy.
If it got really moldy..then better try another grow and lesson learned. I know I sure have.
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The mold burns up. it dosent make it down your lungs. its long burnt up by the 500 degree coal. If the weed is very dry then there will be a chance of inhaling air born particles. The danger of inhaling it is in handling it. If your concerned about inhaling the particles better where an N-95 dust mask because the air will be full of it.
If you turn it into extract....any of the slovents (iso, butayne) will sterilize it.
If its made into a sift hash ..again it will burn up when smoked. It gets crushed up and mixed in in the extraction/drying process. It still tastes great...but not as good as it would had it not gone moldy.
If it got really moldy..then better try another grow and lesson learned. I know I sure have.

Another reopened thread from almost 10 years ago. :wall:

Dont tell people its okay to smoke mold either. Wtf.
Yo dudes. I just read that the N95 masks are made out of .3 micron! If this is true, slightly finer than the .2 syringes; and much larger possibilities! I'm about to disect one and see what's up.

My buddy just had 9 bows of some beautiful buds rejected by the lab for very slight traces of mold! Dude, you'd have never known! Some ho ass bullshit!