Well-Known Member
budder aint hard to make.... all you gotta do is heat it and whip it for a while.... some strains budder up better then others....
Thats exactly what some clubs do. Or as a producer you can send your own sample to the lab, completley bypass the club and get your strain or concentrate certified. All they accept is a two gram sample per test.It's pretty easy get an ounce of BHO.... let it sit in a LARGE container for a few days, maybe stir it like taffy once or twice.... then removing .2g from the 28g... and sending it in yourself?
Your assuming that dispensaries ask the salesman, for a .2g sample of oil before they buy the 28g. and after receiving a good sample test, they buy it..... they are not stupid, they were probably drug dealers before they profession went legal in their state.. they don't get conned easy.
I'm sure they are pulling their samples from one big pool. It's pretty easy to tell BHO apart..
You obviously have never done business with SteepHill Labs as your statements are false. When certified by SteepHill your entire "crop" is inspected and then sealed onsite in Nitrogen filled bags with the Lab's logo, Strain Name and weight on each bag.some do send samples off to a lab. key words being some, and samples. The lab tests are inaccurate. They test a small sample of cannabis, or concentrate, then label the whole batch as such. Steep hill labs is the leader in cannabis testing. They state in some of their own videos and on their website that all categories of testing vary at different points on the plant. So the only accurate reading is on the sample piece that is sent in. Ever had mold on a plant?? I have. some of the bud had it, and some didn't. Yet i can get my whole crop stamped with the steephill certified clean cannabis seal by just sending in a couple of grams of the buds that didn't get mold on them. It's a good idea but not perfected. Also it costs quite a bit to do testing, and pay for shipping. I would rather buy some concentrate that has no posibility of having butane in it, just for medical reasons.
They don't test your whole crop. You send in samples and they test those. The sample when tested is ruined and cannot be used. So the only way they could test your whole crop is if they destroyed it all chopping it up into petri dishes. If you choose, you can send in a larger amount for the nitrogen packaging, at which time they will take a four gram sample from the batch, two grams for thc cbd, and two for molds and pesticide testing. It isn't standard to do this. Many growers will send in samples for potency. i have done this a few times just to get a ball park cbd and thc percentage. It is usually the dispensary that puts down the money for this special packaging, but I have never heard of one where it is required for intake. Even harborside, the first place to get all of their products tested, intakes herb in turkey bags. REspect...You obviously have never done business with SteepHill Labs as your statements are false. When certified by SteepHill your entire "crop" is inspected and then sealed onsite in Nitrogen filled bags with the Lab's logo, Strain Name and weight on each bag.
The Collective I belong to will not even consider your product unless it shows up in the above shown bags.
If you want your product "SAFE CANNABIS" certified, you bring the entire crop. If you just want a sample tested you send one in. I am specifically talking about "SAFE CANNABIS" certification.They don't test your whole crop. You send in samples and they test those. The sample when tested is ruined and cannot be used. So the only way they could test your whole crop is if they destroyed it all chopping it up into petri dishes. If you choose, you can send in a larger amount for the nitrogen packaging, at which time they will take a four gram sample from the batch, two grams for thc cbd, and two for molds and pesticide testing. It isn't standard to do this. Many growers will send in samples for potency. i have done this a few times just to get a ball park cbd and thc percentage. It is usually the dispensary that puts down the money for this special packaging, but I have never heard of one where it is required for intake. Even harborside, the first place to get all of their products tested, intakes herb in turkey bags. REspect...
Why in the hell are we talking about crops.entire crop.
crops certified entire crop.
entire crop to them
I'm going to go on a whim here... As I've never specifically "tried" doing that.... though I'm not sure if you even can *try*.completly off subject but can you make budder with iso oils ? i have some iso oil but its treacle color , is it possible to make budder with it and if so how ?
Talk to kbo ca, he's the one that brought the off topic subject to this thread and I couldn't let his erroneous information stand unchallenged.Why in the hell are we talking about crops.
This is an OIL thread.... that whole block of information had nothing to do with this thread. BHO is not cannabis flower.... it is cannabis's essential oil. How they test flowers/plants, and the any alleged inaccuracy is irrelevant how they test oil.
If your going to post something about testing OIL, please do.... but if your going to talk about FLOWERS, realize you are in the wrong place to even debate anything about them.
ah thank you , i understand it now. +repI'm going to go on a whim here... As I've never specifically "tried" doing that.... though I'm not sure if you even can *try*.
ISO oil is the product your left with from making OIL, with ISO..
Budder, is the consistency/product you get from using butane as a solvent, and whipping the resulting material as it bubbles...
Some strains will budder better than others, and depending on certain exposure to certain solvents for certain amounts of time, you can also alter consistency...
So I'm going to say if you actually want BUDDER... like BHO budder.... you need to use Butane rather than isopropyl.
It's all about how those solvents act on our oils, as we remove them from our flowers. The end product we get is what it is...
You cant bubble butane out of ISO oil and get *budder* because there is no butane in ISO oil. Get it?
BHO is cleaner than bubble hash because less plant matter and mold make it into the extract. Just sayin...Also, my thinking is, that we should be providing concentrates for folks with illnesses. That means it should be the cleanest, heathiest product possible. I enjoy a good clean dab, but only when extraction is done properly. There are too many people out there doing this improperly, using pvc, not fully purging all butane, whatever it may be. Believe it or not, some people that go to these clubs are very sick, and they need good strong clean medication. Some of these extracts can have serious negative effects on people with certain disorders. I know that BHo is the easy way to make full melt hash, but once you learn the art of making full melt bubble, it's much more rewarding, it tastes better, and its just as strong. And it also brings piece of mind when vending to clubs. You know whoever comes through and picks some up is going to have a pleasant experience and come back for more. Rather than spread negative word about your club about how the 'tane made em sick. Respect