Bho help! I got peanut butter?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm new to this and pretty sure I fucked up pretty good.
long story short I accidentally dumped hot water in my dish while the tane was
I'm pretty sure what I collected was actually just wax and terpines. Kinda scared to smoke it lol


Blunter the kid

Well-Known Member
Probably shouldn't have whipped it while there was butane in it.
You'll be fine if you smoke it just keep purging it and im sure it will eventually crumble, but I doubt it will ever shatter.
Do u have a vac setup?


Well-Known Member
Na I just got a pot of boiling water put a Pyrex dish over it and whipped it on top of that.
I don't have any grain or 99 ISO guessing I should prob wait and try to purge in that? If I melt it and spread it in a thin film it won't cook out?

Blunter the kid

Well-Known Member
It will purge out but it will take a long time.
But having moisture in your wax isn't a terrible thing, it happens inevitably if you run fresh material.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. i put it back on the double boiler for about 20 to 30 min now it's bubbling is slowly starting to stop and looking more like I expected guess all is not lost.
So guessing I just had to cook the tane out more. Thanks for the quick reply I almost chucked it

Blunter the kid

Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. i put it back on the double boiler for about 20 to 30 min now it's bubbling is slowly starting to stop and looking more like I expected guess all is not lost.
So guessing I just had to cook the tane out more. Thanks for the quick reply I almost chucked it
Yea lol that's an easy fix don't ever toss your product without further research!! :)