BHO vs. PG/VG bud tinture for O.pen Vape


I have an O.pen Vape concentrate pen. It is has a wick less atomizer, so I know that not all of the info out there is going to help me. I have vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol and 1lb of ground up bud.

Do I need to blast the bud into bho, winterize it, and then mix with the PG/VG to fill my cartridges?

Can I just make a PG/VG tincture out of the bud, and then fill my cartridges with this mix?

Or can I mix the bud with everclear, reduce in a crock pot for a few hours, mix with PG/VG,and then fill my cartridges with this mix?

Again this is for a wick less 510 thread atomizer for an O.pen Vape.
I do not really understand what you mean? I have on oil rig with a ti nail that I dab on. I do not know if this is what your talking about though? I really just want to make my own juice for the O.pen vape.
what snaps said

i can tell u works 100%..........just ejmix on amazon u can pick it up

if u can u want to bho it then wax it then add it the taste is little better will also work ice melt hash fairly well
buddy tried iso and hash it works too just purge the iso off completely before u mix the ejmix ........can add a drop of vg clear out little of the harsh but rem it adds alot more vapor on exhale

but the VG tincture stuff it can be done but u will need to add the bho ejmix to bring it to strength
Am I the only person who thinks the EJ Mix tastes like complete crap? It works incredibly for keeping the oil in solution but for me, the flavor was unbearable. In my one test using it, I got it to take some extra PG fine. But VG separated immediately (was a flavore nic free vg based juice),

Once my harvest finishes, i am going to experiment with how little EJ mix I can use to get a good solution and add in PG.
I simply make my bho. No need to de wax, winterize, then dillute it with at least 50% propylene glycol. Heat up the two mixes to about 170F in mason jar. Shake to mix well, then remove from heat. I use a hot water bath on stove to reach those temps. Simply works.
I simply make my bho. No need to de wax, winterize, then dillute it with at least 50% propylene glycol. Heat up the two mixes to about 170F in mason jar. Shake to mix well, then remove from heat. I use a hot water bath on stove to reach those temps. Simply works.

No seperation Guzias? Even a few days later?
My first attempt at making this juice I used only vegatble glycerine and bho. I heated it up to almost 200 degrees for over an hour. prolly 2 grams of oil 5 or 6 grams VG. This did not want to mix for me no matter how much I whipped it. That is why I bought the propylene glycol.
I've used a kanger pro tank. I now use an iclear something .. They all basically work.a variable voltage battery makes them all function well.

i don't notice separation for a while. If i take care of the juice, it seems to work well. The more sun, and rough exposure, the quicker it gets ugly..

i have bought an OG open vape cartridge once. I hated the flavor, they use PEG.

i swear by the 50/50 of hash oil and PG. Just takes decent clean oil.
I am looking for a mix... that will allow me to retain a lot of the smell and taste that this oil has.. but not take away from the potency very much.. also would like to be able to puff on it all day instead of repacking my globes all day..

anyone got a good mix. that doesn't separate. .that's my only issue really. besides TASTE.. I felt like.. u lose it while heating to get it to mix with the glyrcerin .?
ok if u want to know to make VG into smokeable stuff

thanks to snaps i know how...........but it takes works

1 u grind up 2 oz of weed
2 u add in the VG and start making tincture (depends on the method u use for time ) i used the crockpot oven take the jar stick it in the crockpot so it is sitting on some wood or cooling rack and let it go for 3 days like that it hits about 160F
3 u drain off the VG but leave the matteral wet do not press it
4 the wet stuff with vg still in it u add ISO ..........shake shake shake move that grove thing shake shake shake
5 drain it out into a purge mat (or bowl or square thing) ...........this is iso and vg now
6 u need to purge the iso out so crockpot same method ...........u can go for the long low heat method with a fan blowing .....or u can heat the stuff up to 220 degrees stir it untill u see no more bubbles ..........remove it from the heat put it in a jar and cap it while it is hot to form a vaccum seal
those little golden foam u see is ISO being sucked up and purged out leave it like that for about 2 days open it up stir it around .........then reheat it to 180 and cap it more purging ........u keep doing this untill after one of the breaking the vacuum u do not smell anymore iso (then it is completely purged)
7 this is the final part and little hard u need to raise the temp of the stuff to about 265 and shaked the stuff like they owe u money for years and u need it for court ...........this is the important part the high temp and the shaking will break the oil up in the vg and keep it from forming together

8 the stuff might not be all that strong if u are a heavy smoker ...........this is what BHO and ejmix is for u mix some up add it into the VG/iso mix increase the str
I am looking for a mix... that will allow me to retain a lot of the smell and taste that this oil has.. but not take away from the potency very much.. also would like to be able to puff on it all day instead of repacking my globes all day..

anyone got a good mix. that doesn't separate. .that's my only issue really. besides TASTE.. I felt like.. u lose it while heating to get it to mix with the glyrcerin .?

EJmix .................make your bho into wax then add that to the stuff u will keep the smell and the power
super expensive.. 50mls.. I need like 500-1000mls. lol. that's crazy talk prices.. 25-50$ for a 50ml bottle.. that's retarded.. lol.. maybe if it has weed in it already.. but comeon . lol. they are overpricing the shit out of that stuff.. u just need to mix PEG 200,300,400 and PG.. I just wanted to know what everyone is making cartridges from.. I am thnking about buying a ton of carts.. filling them up.. and selling e pens.. and globes for normal concentrates.. for some side cash .
I am a flavor snob. Straight Oil and PG is in my opinion the best bet for flavor. VG just does not mix in with it and hold.

I bought a mini mixer like this one:

It helps when making a PG and oil mix. It still separates, but I can mix before filling a tank and it stays together fairly well.

my mix with PG and RSO stays in solution pretty darn well. Nice but different flavor that is less "green" as one would expect.

I personally do not see a huge difference between different bottom coil tanks. The dual coil seem to be a bit better but I find that if i change the atomizer each time I fill the tank, all good.

A good adjustable battery is important. I do not want to argue with anyone and we all have different tastes. But for me, the EJ Mix's horrible flavor, when used 1:1 per the bottle, is worse than dealing with some separation.