I thought the ISO dissolved the THC into the liquid itself? Or am I missing something here? I was always under the impression, the stuff in caught in the coffee filter was junk so wouldn't that be this technically..? Maybe I am missing something really simple here, I wanted to give this technic a go that's why I ask.
Cool thread guys, I would LOVE to try some other methods if i was not afraid of doing it. I`m an easy pothead.
I used to do the Butane a while back, I must have bought every butane can in every liquor store in town.. hahaha.. they even new me by name. I love the gooey and yellow taffy from the BHO extraction but it costs more, it is less productive (unless closed loop), it is much more dangerous, ect.. A local yahoo just blew the roof off of his house in town a couple months ago.. What an ass.. lolol...
Anyway, the ISO will dissolve the THC and other resins into a liquid. I use a standard for coffee making, metal-screen mesh as my filter. I use a 1.5gallon pickle jar, 4 quarts of ISO, and 4-6 ounces of chopped and dried trim or flower.
1. put the chopped and dried flowers in the pickle jar, (with a lid).
2. pour in 1 gallon of ISO, put lid on.
3. shake vigorously for 30-60 seconds.
4. strain the liquid into a large casserole dish
5. pour
0.5-1 gallon of water into the pickle jar with flowers
6. shake for 10-20 seconds
7. strain into casserole dish
8. put it on an electric oven - eye, I like to put a few layers of aluminum foil down to prevent hot-spotting.
9. put the oven eye on LOW (NO GAS, ONLY ELECTRIC) 50% alcohol / 50% water is slightly flammable at warm temps.
10. I like to put a desk-top fan blowing on the mixture, The mix should be dark green/black.
11. As the alcohol evaporates, most of the water will stay and it will separate the THC and resins.
12. The heavy THC will not evaporate if the alcohol evaporates from a water mix, water will contain the THC.
13. at this point the mix will turn a whitish / light brown color and smell like ganja, make sure NO alcohol smell.
14. Put the whitish-brown water/THC back into the pickle jar.
15. put it in a cold and dark place for 24 hours, the THC will fall to the bottom.
16. CAREFUL not to disturb the THC at the bottom, siphon off the top 90% of the brown juice and fill the pickle jar with more water.
17. repeat steps 15 and 16. The more you wash it, the blonder the finished product will get.
18. after washing and draining the white/brownish juice, pour it back into the casserole dish.
19. put a desk fan on it and evaporate the water..
20. Use a razor blade and scrape the THC and Hash from the casserole dish.
Careful, this is 100% bubble and the hash will burn like fuel.
I place small bits of the hash on weed and/or vaporize it. The first time I did this and it worked, I said to myself, oh thank God.. Trim into gold.
I can take picture later, maybe one of you guys can be intrigued into this method and help make it better.
It`s basically ISO stripped, water cleaned. As far as I am concerned, it is a method of water hash since water separates the hash from the other and worthless resins like chlorophyll and junk. It strips SOME of the flavor from the herbs too but it`s not much. I can taste which hash came from which plant, no problem there. I think the more you water wash it, the more it takes the taste out.
another thing, you have to wash it when it is still wet. If it dries, you cannot wash it again unless you dissolve it in ISO again. Water is a medium, not a solvent for hash.
I can take some picts, I have some. washing 1x makes the brown and tar-like bubble hash, washing it more will make it turn into a blond and glass-like substance.
Hope this helps for some of you fun-timers.