BHO winterization ethanol?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys ;)
Here in the europe its not possible to get products such as everclear, foodgrade ethanol alcohols over a certain percentage are illegal.

I can get 93% denatured ethanol wich wont do as i need 96 as far as i can tell.

But i found this product made for Bio Ethanol fake fireplaces. i can get it anywhere between 96, 96.6 and 98% purity, it doesnt say denatured or anything. It says on the other hand that it is pure for the most beatifull flames

On the data sheet it says nothing but ethanol. Ofcourse it says it can damage nervous system in high doses and shit because it contains "organic solvent" but isn't that true for all Ethyl alcohols - AKA drinking alcohol? Hehe ethanol is ethanol nomatter how its produced its the same stuff am i right?

(Better not tell the drunks that, the politicians will have the product denatured faster than you could pronounce the word "denatured" haha)

I can not imagine ANY problem with using this stuff for winterization but i just wanted to run it by the expert panel inhere bfore i do ;)

Please have a better understanding than me for chemistry before replying to this sort of advanced question ;) if no knowledgeable objections are made i am goin ahead with it. I have a vacuumpump and pyrex chamber for purification.

I have schlerosis so i self medicate. I need to make the priducts myself because i cannot trust the quality or health issues with black market oils :-( its utterly illegal but what can i do... Not function? I think not...

Lastly, untill i can run a closed loop system i have two choises... The thermo bottle way (by far the easiest and less expensive way)
Or the regular blast tube.

Any of you guys have a preferred method and a reason why you use one method over another?
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Well-Known Member
I would be careful. My guess is that it is somehow denatured or methylated as I think they call it on your side of the pond. The purity numbers are probably showing what is in it.

My recommendation would be to go with a QWISO product. Get the ISO (can you get 99% ISO?) and bud super cold (you can put on dry ice) before and during extraction. You should get very little plant matter in it that would require winterization. Do a good purge and you should be set.

What is the highest proof alcohol you can buy?


Well-Known Member
I would be careful. My guess is that it is somehow denatured or methylated as I think they call it on your side of the pond. The purity numbers are probably showing what is in it.

My recommendation would be to go with a QWISO product. Get the ISO (can you get 99% ISO?) and bud super cold (you can put on dry ice) before and during extraction. You should get very little plant matter in it that would require winterization. Do a good purge and you should be set.

What is the highest proof alcohol you can buy?
I can get 99 iso yes but i want the best and from all the research i can gather, (been reading ALOT on skunfarmreasearch blog- GREAT blog!!
BHO is the way to go for most potent pure result.

i read the data sheet on what the bio-ethanol readily available to me contains and it says nothing but ethanol. But just to make shure i put a few more sticks in the water ;)
Pending results from thise inquireries. If this stuff doesnt cut it, i will find some other more black market like way of obtaining the stuff ;)


Well-Known Member
haha Billy yes i WILL do that if need be but it would take like a full days work to distill one liter

Am hoping for an easier "solution" :lol:


New Member
Hi guys ;)
Hehe ethanol is ethanol nomatter how its produced its the same stuff am i right?
Nope, some of it is denaturated (cheap, no alcohol taxes) some not (expensive, high taxes).

" Denatured alcohol, also called methylated spirits or spiritus, is ethanol that has additives to make it poisonous, extremely bad tasting, foul smelling or nauseating, to discourage recreational consumption. In some cases it is also dyed."

Thats exactly the one you are looking for! Go for it!