we need to make a sticky, to end allll threads
our ideas need to come together. we got sr verdes concentrate corner.. which had many a input..
lame ass ice wax up top sticky thats gathers none of my interest..
with this thread, i think we touched basics on butane and wax..
since this thread, much info has been shared. such as spraying onto proper surfaces, taking precautions to make bho safely.. winterizing. whipping. heats... size of tubes and efficiency..
(trying to gather all info i can, all input much appreciated)
lets also touch basis on the pros and cons over one solvent to the next( basically explain why butane is soo awesome:] ).
chambers, natural evap.. tips on technique..
this is all just jumble coming off the top of my head. i know i must be missing a ton, so pitch some ideas..
it has been requested by some to get a damn sticky going so we dont have to shuffle through alll the pages of random info.
once we have enough info requested, and gathered... then its time to make a STICkyyyy.
i didnt start a new thread just for this because the next thread i would prefer anyone to start, would be a really good sticky..
ice wax can have its side by us.. but i think we need to be on top :]
just start throwing out important subjects.. any thing that comes to your head. dont erase. its like rough draft and we need all ideas..
who is with me? lets hear it up.
i really request the following to throw out any ideas: (alphabetical order so .. no favorites

you know, i guess lnks to our current threads could heklp brains storm this as well..
i should get back to my real job though ... :]
so my peeps. express
Saybian TV
where the fuck is 650 BAQUET???