Twitch says lucky 130. It's pretty funny how often I've finished at 130. But then again I've finished at 100f, many of times as well. Where da pics?l
It must definitely have to do with the strain's resin composition in some way. If you can take different strains, chopped on the same day for example and use the same bud sizes from either top of plant, middle, bottom etc and still come up with different wax forming temps then it must be that or something along that line.
After that last pic stage where you told me to fold it again I did and it bubbled up quite a bit again then settled down
and eventually went to this:

Then I folded again and it went to this:

That is where I thought it was firming up and going to wax/honeycomb but it didn't. That's where I raised the temp to 135F oil surface and went to watch the fights and forgot about it for a few hours.
So when i came back to check on it this is what I saw

Raise the temp always seems to be the answer for comb...and yes BC if would have happend ALOT faster if u just went to 120/130 right off the bat, more flavor too with less time in vac, I think I said that earlier
Ya man I was just so nervous about wrecking it. Every time I raised the temp I thought of fuck I'm gonna ruin this stuff lol. I'm on a learning curve
Some more pics of the final beautiful cookie:

I started with 165 grams of ground bud. I spilled some of my extracted oil tane so I'm guessing I lost somewhere around 3-5 grams of oil. Not sure though. So It's around an 18% yield.
I'm curious though; I don't have any holes in my cookie like honeycomb. It's solid throughout. Is that because it didn't solidify at a higher temp while it was bubbling to "catch" the bubbles in a sort of "heated suspension" Or do I have to do something different nest time if I want a more honeycomb look?