Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Shit, that's a fucking pittance compared to what people grow in any number of American legal states!

Who the fuck do those cops think they're 'saving' or 'protecting' by spending all those resources on the apprehension of- oh, my, gawd- growers of harmless medicinal plants?!

Save us allllllll! Especially the pill pushers! We want you on chronic prescriptions that kill you slowly while reaping the pharmaceuticals millions!

Yes, I'm a felon. I grew pot in my basement in the era of prohibition. All it's proof of now is that I was AHEAD OF MY TIME.

And so are you. Be careful out there.
1000 plants, indoors, in a very small state..he was asking for trouble. His power bill would be a HUGE red flag.

They recon he has been going for two years at least hope he burred some cash.

I recon he will get 1 to 3 years. Ill keep yas informed (may not be sentenced for a year or so and was granted bail already)
Whether he was asking for it or not, its fukn bullshit. SO much more police to occupy themselves with. A whole lot fucking more. Its fukn petty in this day and age (well it always was) to be jailing people for growing motherfucking plants. Pisses me off. All about the money
Whether he was asking for it or not, its fukn bullshit. SO much more police to occupy themselves with. A whole lot fucking more. Its fukn petty in this day and age (well it always was) to be jailing people for growing motherfucking plants. Pisses me off. All about the money
Totally agree..Bloody Yanks started it with their war on drugs and going to the Un and "asking" everyone else to do the same.

Lets hope with America softening their stance we follow- Fast.
I just dont see our politicians even talking about it though....
Totally agree..Bloody Yanks started it with their war on drugs and going to the Un and "asking" everyone else to do the same.

Lets hope with America softening their stance we follow- Fast.
I just dont see our politicians even talking about it though....
I think everyone will follow suit as they see the money angle.....sad that thats what is needed to see to change things
Totally agree..Bloody Yanks started it with their war on drugs and going to the Un and "asking" everyone else to do the same.

Lets hope with America softening their stance we follow- Fast.
I just dont see our politicians even talking about it though....

I AM an American and I absolutely despise much of what our fascist federal government does in my name.

However, I don't have enough money to make my voice heard, because those who do bought themselves the right to influence government without accountability to the majority of the people.

Sorry, take it up with the oligarchs. There's many more of them here than in Russia. If you don't know who they are, just have a quick peek at all the corporate campaign contributions that have flowed into the Clinton coffers.

You don't suppose they did that just for fun, right?

We Wanks legalized corruption and now we're paying the price. And unfortunately, we export the costs as well- to folks like that poor sod who just got himself pinched on teevee.
I think everyone will follow suit as they see the money angle.....sad that thats what is needed to see to change things
People were joking at the pub saying that the "State" has now claimed Cash, and property and should export the seized crop to America to one of the money angles is being talked about in the pubs, albeit in jest. (by older farmers in this case)
I am am American and I absolutely disagree with much of what our federal fascist government does in my name.

However, I don't have enough money to make my voice heard, because those who do bought themselves the right to influence government without accountability to the majority of the people.

Sorry, take it up with the oligarchs. There's many more of them here than in Russia. If you don't know who they are, just have a quick peek at all the corporate campaign contributions that have flowed into the Clinton coffers.

You don't suppose they did that just for fun, right?

We Wanks legalized corruption and now we're paying the price. And unfortunately, we export the costs as well- to folks like that poor sod who just got himself pinched on teevee.
No offence ment mate.
I AM an American and I absolutely despise much of what our fascist federal government does in my name.

However, I don't have enough money to make my voice heard, because those who do bought themselves the right to influence government without accountability to the majority of the people.

Sorry, take it up with the oligarchs. There's many more of them here than in Russia. If you don't know who they are, just have a quick peek at all the corporate campaign contributions that have flowed into the Clinton coffers.

You don't suppose they did that just for fun, right?

We Wanks legalized corruption and now we're paying the price. And unfortunately, we export the costs as well- to folks like that poor sod who just got himself pinched on teevee.
I have an American passport, but I am a citizen of the Earth. Yep money (for power) is alot of the reasons so much SHIT is perpetuated.
People were joking at the pub saying that the "State" has now claimed Cash, and property and should export the seized crop to America to one of the money angles is being talked about in the pubs, albeit in jest. (by older farmers in this case)

Hypocrisy at its finest. Thugs with badges and titles and wigs making up "just us" as they go along.

Fuck Fascist Police.
No offence ment mate.

In fact, I'm at something of a loss as to what I should do, as a concerned citizen who sees this towering wrong and seeks to right it. I know I'm not alone, far from it!

What more do you suppose I could do? I've actually gone on the radio, local public access radio, and voiced my concerns. Write an op ed screed for the local newspaper? Been there, done that, too.

We the People have been systematically brainwashed into the notion that if they pray to a different god, wear different color foundation, or vote for another party that somehow they can't be one of "us" and therefore they're the enemy.

We're being played on an historic scale.
In fact, I'm at something of a loss as to what I should do, as a concerned citizen who sees this towering wrong and seeks to right it. I know I'm not alone, far from it!

What more do you suppose I could do? I've actually gone on the radio, local public access radio, and voiced my concerns. Write an op ed screed for the local newspaper? Been there, done that, too.

We the People have been systematically brainwashed into the notion that if they pray to a different god, wear different color foundation, or vote for another party that somehow they can't be one of "us" and therefore they're the enemy.

We're being played on an historic scale.
We've been being played for a very long time my friend. This is not something new by any means. We are taught from an early age to be competitive and other teams (colors/people/races/cultures/creeds) are not on the same team. Thats fucking bullshit. We are all on the same team in the thought that everyone across the motherfucking world, and I mean everyone, wants to live a good life. I dont care where the fuck you may be, they want that. Im not sure what to do either, what else can be done to bring people as one?
We are but peasants. Yes, they let us have a win occasional (or let us think we have had a win) but they generally profit from that to. I bet the big Pharma will be making a packet out of MJ at the moment and will probably dominate the market within 10 years. Especially if they can follow some Federal rules (which is not that far away id imagine).- speaking on the American example of cause.
Ive thought about running for a political seat here (state seat) but the thought of the pressure and scrutiny (by the poo poo and the tax man) has put me off.

Id love to run as a pro rec candidate. I recon it would have a huge chance of winning, And would make a big difference to the tourism income of my island state. Same as same sex marrige would.